Chapter Five:

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School was over , "finally" I say throwing my hands up in the air ,

Although i was happy to be going home from school there was something eating away at my mind , The thought that i still had to go home , I Blink at my thoughts and drop my head as i walk out of school.

"Sure , Four days of no school , No parents , But four days with Ryan is going to be pure hell" I mumble to myself.

I scrape my feet along the pavement not bothering to pick them up as i walk , I was now in depressive mode , How was Ryan going to treat me ? I cant put up with his behaviour towards me any longer , Maybe now his Friend Is stopping for four days he will just leave me alone ? I hope so anyway.


Ive now scraped my feet along the pavement for two blocks and already my feet were starting to hurt , I always walked home from school it was only two blocks and was way better than catching the bus , Too many people all cramped together is just too much for me to handle , The only person id rather be with right now is myself , I say myself but i cant help but think about he weekend , Going to the party with Katee , A small smile emerges on my face for a few second before dropping again as Ryan drives past in his car , The car Dad got him for being "The perfect son" As he puts it .

Honking the horn and flipping me off as they drive past , "Really mature", I say to myself as i dont hesitate to return the favour But me being smart i use both my hands , Ha take that loosers , Damn , Im going to get some crap for this when i get home.


I see Ryan's Car parked on the driveway and i start to slow my pace as i get closer and closer to my front door , Each step makes my heart race increase.

I know i caught him doing something my parents wouldn't agree on and i could just easily tell them but there is a big chance they wont believe me or they would just get over it with Ryan been the 'Perfect son' And all.

I guess i realised Ryan knows this too , If he does he wont hesitate to continue making my life hell.

I know what your thinking ,Ryan's all alone now , I can handle him, which is true But id much rather have both my parents Beat me and give me crap than i would Ryan , It hurts ten times more when Ryan does it to me Simply because i always remember the good times me and Ryan had , We were really close , We always played together , He always helped me if i was being bullied in junior school or if i fell off the swing at the park he would always carry me home , Even if it was only a grazed knee.

A smile salty tears slides onto my lips as i remember the past , Why cant anything just be the same ?

I quickly whipe my face so its tear free and enter the house.


At first i thought Ryan must have headed Straight out and was picked up by a Friend with how quiet our large house was ,

There was no time for a sigh of relief when Ryan And his 'Friend' So to speak Come chuckling past me out of the game room , Ryan's 'Friend' Had his arm Wrapped around My Brothers shoulder feeding him Some sort of chocolate bar with his other , Gross . Ryan stares at me before shoving away his arm and tells Danny to Go wait upstairs.

"Ill be up in just a sec. " Ryan says as his friend heads for stairs .

"What ? " I Say knowing full well he wants something .

"I thought i told you to fetch a Friend with you?"He asks?

"Well i didn't want to fetch a Friend to this hell hole did i ? " I pout and try to brush past him But fail when his hand grabs mine.

"Why not ?" he huffs ," Look , I know how you feel , i wouldn't want to Fetch a friend here either with how 'They' Treat you. " They ? Was he referring to his loving parents as 'They ?

"YOu mean how you all treat me ?"I reply as i grap his hand and shove back to his own body. "Just leave me the hell alone ryan" i yell as i finally mannage to get away from his presence.

"You know i forgive you right ?" i stop in my tracks and turn slowly to face him .

"What ?" anger building inside , "You forgive me , For what ? For what i did ? You sure don't Act like it , You act just like them , Treat me like dirt." I spit.

Ryan's face drops and a tear emerges from his eyes , i show no remorse.

"I'm Sorry Codey" WHAT ? " If i don't Stay on there side i may end up like you , Not wanted and alone , I cant be like that" He sobs.

"You wouldn't be alone Ryan , You would have me , It just goes to show who you really care about , Yourself , And so do i now , I have no one Ryan , NO ONE " I yell and Head for the stairs not bothering to listen to his pleas .


I reach the top of My never ending staircase and head towards my room , I don't get there as i find myslef stood outside a pink door Staring at the little sign nailed upon it , 'Little Princesses Room'

I gently Stroke the door Too terrified to enter , My eyes fill up and it isn't long before my T shirt is puddled with tears , the memory of that day haunts me and makes me quiver with sadness and guilt , The day i lost my sister and the day i lost my family's love.

"It's All my fault" i sob as i pull myself away from my little sisters room and collapse on the floor . Too tired and emotional to do anything.

Its all my fault , I shouldnt blame my parents , I should blame myself .



OOO CLIFF hanger , What did Codey do ? Why is it his fault ? Will WE find out why his family hate him ? TOo Many questions ........

Vote/Comment .. it helps me to upload faster :)

i cant wait to post the next chapter =D

happy reading . Pj =D

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