Chapter Four

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Crazy boy: I asked you first

Me: but you have to answer my question first if u want me to answer urs

Crazy boy: wait

Crazy boy: why don't we both answer all the questions that we'll ask each other with our real thoughts, you know? Like, the ones that are always in your mind but you never tell them to anyone because you don't want to scare them away. And, no matter what we answer, we can't run away from each other. We won't stop texting each other until all the 99 questions are asked. Deal?

Me: no!! Thats too personal!!! We cant make things too deep when weve just met! So far it has been a funny talk u know?? Like normal ppl do! We r not doing this!!

Crazy boy: everybody should have talks where we say what's in our minds. It's good

Me: but its weird!!

Crazy boy: and normal is boring

Me: no way we r doing this

Crazy boy: c'mon!! You shouldn't want to be like everyone else. Lets be something different!!

Me: i dont want to!!

Crazy boy: dont be normal Nina, normal is boring

Me: but normal is what the society wants

Crazy boy: fuck society. Don't you wanna be yourself?

Me: ..

Crazy boy: this chat is our society. We rule this place. No judgments in here

Me: promise?

Crazy boy: promise

Me: okay then..

Crazy boy: can I start?

Me: yeah i guess..

Crazy boy: question #10 favourite place on Earth and why?

Me: this should count as two questions

Crazy boy: no because why is a complementary question

Me: which makes it question #11

Crazy boy: goddamn Nina, okay hahaha

Crazy boy: questions #10 and #11 just answer hahaha

Me: hahah okay okay. LA and London. I cant rlly choose one, the irony is that both of them r complete opposite places. But yeah, LA bc its all sunny and bc of the beaches and London bc of the whole rain weather and the cold. I just love it

Crazy boy: What a coincidence

Me: what?

Crazy boy: I love LA, my favourite place on Earth and I live in London :))

Me: REALLY?!?!

Crazy boy: yeah hahaha :)


Crazy boy: hahahaha sure I hope you like cats :)


Crazy boy: HAHAHAHA you are hilarious!!

Me: of course I am


Me: okay question #12 is our convo going to be like this?

Crazy boy: what do you mean?

Me: like, going from funny and silly to serious and deep?

Crazy boy: probably

Me: i like that crazy boy

Crazy boy: i like that too :)

Me: I gotta go now. Talk to u tomorrow??

Crazy boy: sure :)

Me: night crazy boy

Crazy boy: night Nina Sheep

Me: Nina Sheep?

Crazy boy: yeah bc Shepherd - Sheep

Me: *gives you another 'you tried your best' medal*

Crazy boy: thanks :)

Me: night :)

Crazy boy: night :)


I know this chapter sucked hahah

But I hope that somebody will keep reading this lol

Anyways, thanks for ur time,



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