Chapter Two

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Me: what?

Unknown: 99 questions is not 100

Me: omgg you know what I meant! You are crazy

Unknown: I'm not crazy!

Me: then you r a murder for wanting so many information about me

Unknown: okay, okay! So we ask each other questions that summed up will be 99

Me: NO!

Unknown: c'mon!


Unknown: it's not nice to call people crazy young lady

Me: crazy and annoying

Unknown: okay then! But I'll be annoying you until you agree with me

Me: no u r not

Unknown: nina

Unknown: I'm going to annoy you

Unknown: until the day I die

Unknown: don't doubt me

Unknown: c'mon! I just want to know

Unknown: more about this

Unknown: I'm not telling anyone anything' person

Unknown: you look like a mystery

Unknown: and I can't see a mystery

Unknown: and not want to solve it

Unknown: and I consider myself

Unknown: a mystery too

Unknown: so dear Nina, let's solve both of the mysteries

Unknown: 99 questions

Unknown: deal?

Me: my god you r so annoying unknown crazy boy

Unknown: deal or no deal?

Me: .. Deal if u stop annoying

Unknown: GREAT! Now, stop calling me 'crazy boy' call me Harry, Harold, Hazza, Haz, whatever you like :)

Me: i like crazy boy :)

Unknown: how surprising

Me: sorry crazy boy

Me: soo.. Who start the questions?


Yayy finally the questions are going to start!

I promise that after the questions start this book is going to get better (bc lets be honest, this book sucks so far)

Anyways, I'm still praying that someone will read this book hahah



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