Chapter One

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Unknown: (image attached)

Unknown: ;)

Me: the fuck are you and why did u sent me a pic of your dick

Unknown: wait. Is this Elena?

Me: noo.. Its Nina..


Me: dude calm down, im the victim in here

Unknown: what do you mean?

Me: you sent a pic of ur dick to me

Unknown: but now I don't have that girl's phone number

Me: umm.. okay then..

Unknown: oh sorry, where are my manners, nice to meet you Nina, I'm Harry

Me: lol you r not bipolar at all

Unknown: can't a man just be polite to the girl that he accidentally sent a beautiful, but yet awkward picture to?

Me: seriously? 'Beautiful'? Cmon at least disturbing

Unknown: i don't really know what to say

Me: maybe something like 'hey Nina, Im sorry for sending you this image. Even tho I know that its completely wrong to send a girl that I've just met a pic like this one, and whoever Elena is, I promise I won't send her this. Btw u look beautiful today :)' yeah, something like that should be good

Unknown: 1. okay lets pretend that I've just said all of that

2. how am I even supposed to say that you look beautiful today if I haven't seen your face?

Me: (image attached) done :)

Unknown: and you look lookable at today :)

Me: heyy :(

Unknown: just kidding hahaha. You look lovely today :)

Me: and you dont seem at all like the guy from the beginning of this convo

Unknown: (imagine attached) does my face seems like the guy from the beginning of this convo or the guy that is talking to you right now?

Me: the guy from the beginning.

Me: definitely

Unknown: heyy!! What's that supposed to mean?!

Me: idkk.. Maybe bc the pic is in black and white and bc u r not smiling at all. It all just gives a d-bag look. And maybe also bc u r with sunglasses and ur hair looks like the d-bag style

Unknown: say whatever you want Nina I don't know your last name, but Im not changing anything

Me: hahah im not telling u to change, just my opinion :)

Unknown: good, good...

Me: and im not telling you

Unknown: telling me what?

Me: my last name

Unknown: why not?? It's not like I'm going to track you down and kill you while you sleep by knowing your name and last name

Me: hahahah ik, ik it's just that I'm not the type of person that goes out there sharing stuff about my life and me

Unknown: why not?

Me: you are rlly curious arent you? Hahah

Unknown: maybe I just enjoy meeting people

Me: people like your dear Elena?? Hahahahah

Unknown: thats just mean! :(

Me: okayy Im sorry

Unknown: i forgive you. Now, why don't you like talking about yourself to others?

Me: becausee im a reserved person. Im not going to answer 100 questions that a random person like you comes and ask me

Unknown: okay then, I'll respect the fact that you don't want me asking you 100 questions about you

Me: thank you

Unknown: so instead, I'm going to ask you 99 questions


End of chapter one!

I hope somebody will read this hahah

Anyways, the story will be most part as text messages like in this chapter

I hope that somebody will comment something and that somebody will vote for this or at least read this??

Anyways, thanks for your time,


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