[1] Good Evening, Brighton

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A/N: Alright so hi, and welcome to the beginning of a very long author's note. 

The first thing I want to say is that yes, the band I've used in this story had changed from White Eskimo to One Direction and then back again. The reason for this is because at first , I thought that White Eskimo would be difficult to write about because I knew nothing of the members aside from Harry. One Direction seemed like the perfect alternative since I'd basically devoted my lives to them ever since my UK inhabitant uncle presented a copy of Up All Night as a christmas gift two years ago. I know almost everything there is to know about them so I thought that writing about them would be a piece of cake. BUT THEN, I tried to imagine the boys singing classic rock songs at a bar to a bunch of youngers and I just couldn't see it. None of the boys fit the scene with an exception of Harry, so I've changed back to White Eskimo. I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to know much about the boys of White Eskimo, I can make them up myself. That's what being a writer is all about after all.

SECONDLY, I want to thank every single person who has voted, commented or added this to their library or reading list. The support this story has gotten is amazing and it hasn't even started. This was just something I mashed together when I was about to leave for my friend's house and I never in my wildest dreams expected it to become as popular as it has. But this has also caused quite a dilemma for me.

I'm very worried that you're all deceived to think that this will be an amazing novel, when I'm having doubts about whether or not I will fulfill your expectations. I'm quite proud of my initial concept about the whole "girl appears at every gig" type of thing, but the rest of the novel is not centred around that one bit. In fact, the theme is quite dark at times and tackles real life issues. The theme is basically bitter truths you can't avoid. If you're really young and innocent DO NOT READ THIS. I know some of you twelvies will be saying 'yeah yeah' and proceed to read on but I AM SERIOUS. I don't want to be responsible for you crying to your parents, wondering how some people could do such terrible things in the novel wHICH I M WARNING YOU ABOUT RIGHT NOW. If you're looking for something fluffy and happy, stick around for the first fifteen chapters but then stop and imagine yourself a happy ending because thINGS WILL BECOME DARK AND UPSETTING. OR JUST DON'T READ THIS AT ALL. 

If you want something happy and fluffy, then I highly suggest my teen fiction novel, 'Mind The Gap.' .I have put my best writing into it and I love the characters so much I wish I could jump through my computer screen and into the novel so I can be with them (◡‿◡✿).

Also, thanks to catsaremybestfriends for the cover on the side

Alright, I think I'm done. Read on.



                My palms shot up towards my ear drums as the most deafening of noises erupted throughout the bar. I rotated my eyes to the source of the shriek, only to discover Will, with a sheepish grin and a microphone in hand. It’s the seventh time it’s happened on tour and I’ve come to the conclusion that the boy never learns.

                “Will, how many times do we have to remind you? Don’t point the microphone at the amp.”

                He put his hands up in the air and muttered a quick ‘Sorry’ before securing the microphone in its stand.

                At this moment, Alex emerged, holding a black tray containing four glasses of cola accompanied by ice and straws. He firmly placed the tray on a nearby table, causing the dark liquid inside the glasses to tremble slightly.

Eleanora [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now