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Weeks passed and you could say that things were perfect. Almost. Demi put everything she had into her studying and spent most of her free time with me. She didn't party as much and when she did, I went with her because she knew damn well she wouldn't be able to stop herself from drinking. But she knew that with me being there, she wouldn't need to. Just one look at me and the thought would completely disappear from her mind. Of course though, we both had concerns because old habits die hard. She slipped up here and there and I made sure that I was always there to comfort her, hold her, kiss her or love her. Whatever she needed, I was there to give to her.

We spent a lot of time getting to know one another, in more ways than one. She knew me inside and out, quite literally, as I did her. We planned our future together. We may have not been together for long, but we knew that we were soul mates. I believe the universe fights so hard for two souls to be together because some things are too incredible to just be a coincidence. And whatever we had at this point in time was one of those things. We put tags on the world map of all the places we were going to go. Australia, Bora Bora, Alaska, you name it and we had planned to go there. She wanted to travel the world and I wanted her to be happy, so if that's what would make her happy, than that's what we would do. We envisioned what our children would look like and what our wedding would be like. We picked out our babies names and we drew up our dream home.

I let her decide how she wanted it. Whatever she wanted, I was going to give her. It didn't matter how long it took for me to do it, I made a promise to myself to give this girl the whole universe if she asked for it.

She decided she wanted a two story wooden home. The wooden planks would be painted white and to go along with it, we'd have a white picket fence. Our house would have four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The front door would have glass panels between every white wooden panel. The floors would be dark brown timber and the kitchen benches would be made on white marble stone. The bedrooms would be carpet, ours would have red carpet, of course and we'd have a king bed where we would have many -as she called is- fun times. And the rest of the bedrooms would have black carpet. The bathrooms would have massive showers and we'd have a music room, so that she could record songs whenever she found the right lyrics. Our lounge room would have a fireplace and she said we'd spend many winter nights curled up on a white leather couch in our onesies. We were going to have two dogs, Labrador's to be exact. She was going to create -in her words- the most beautiful garden in the whole word in our front yard and out the back, we'd have a heated swimming pool with a spa.

When she was telling me everything, I could picture our future together in a house that was exactly like that. We would grow old together and race each other in our wheelchairs. She would probably still be partying when she was eighty because she was never meant to be tamed. She was a wild child and I loved every single thing about it, mostly.

She got so lost in her thoughts and I couldn't help but fall in love a little more with her every time she got a sparkle in her eyes when she thought of something else to add to our house.

Whether is was a white fluffy rug, or a coffee machine, it made her so happy and I thanked God that in that moment that was all she could be..happy.

I continued to listen to her describe what our future house would look like. Although, I wasn't really listening. I would hear a few words such as 'red Mercedes' and 'red hammock'. I was too busy taking her all in.

She would squint one eye and quickly squint the other whenever she was thinking and it made my heart beat so fast I was almost sure I would go into cardiac arrest. But then she would grab my hand out of excitement and my heart would instantly calm down at the feel of her touch.

She was in the middle of talking and I was on the middle of simply admiring her when my mouth spoke before I had a second to think. "I'm so in love with you."

She stopped talking and I tensed up in shock. She stared at me and I could feel my heart pounding against my fragile chest. Neither of us said anything but I noticed tears forming on the brim of her eyes. We looked in each other's eyes, both not knowing what to do or say and as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, one lonely tear fell down her cheek.

She stood up quite fast and ran out of the room.

I sat there in shock. What the fuck just happened?

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