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The first time I ever saw her, I was walking through the corridor of college towards my first class of the year. I had just moved from New York City to Los Angeles to study law. It had been my dream since I was just a child. She was getting books out of her locker. She had long wavy brown hair. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and an ACDC band shirt with a black leather jacket thrown over the top. She looked like a total badass. She grabbed the books, slammed her locker and proceeded walking down the corridor in the same direction as me. I intentionally walked faster to catch up to her. Once I did, I walked slower right beside her. I got a little bit too close because my hand brushed against hers. She noticed and glanced at me narrowing her eyes. I gulped. Her eyes were hard and cold. It was intimidating.

"Sorry." I whispered.

She scoffed and walked faster away from me. My walking pace slowed down and I stood there wondering why she was so mean to me. I didn't intentionally touch her.

I continued walking to class anyway and when I walked in, I noticed her again. She was sitting in the back corner, furthest from the teacher. I wanted to know what her deal was, so I made my way over to the empty seat next to her, put my stuff down and sat down.

"Seriously?" I heard her mumble.

"What's your deal?" I snapped back.

She smirked. "Fiesty, are we?"

"No. Just curious as to why you're acting like a complete bitch. You don't know me." I retorted.

"Definitely fiesty." She smiled and turned her attention to the open book in front of her.

I scoffed loud enough for her to hear.

"Is there a problem, princess?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yeah. There fucking is actually." I turned towards her, narrowing my eyes in her direction.

"You're hot when you're mad." She said biting the end of her pen.

"And I'm also straight. So move along."

"We'll see. I'll have you in my bed within the next 3 months." She seemed so confident.

"Don't count on it." I smiled an obvious sarcastic smile before putting my head in my book.


I carefully made my way through the crowded corridor, not so eagar to attend my next class. I thought a lot about running away and joining a circus. That'd be a dream.

After pushing through the mounds of chattering students I unfortunately I found myself standing at the door of my next classroom.

Surely enough I forced my legs to move and made my way to the back of the class, keeping my head down. I took the closest empty seat and sat down dragging out a heavy sigh as I did so.

"Oh, now I'm definitely counting on it." I heard an all too familiar voice to my right.

If she wants a game. That's what she's gonna get.

I smiled politely at her. "You know, you are extremely attractive." I wasn't lying, either. She was undeniably beautiful but I also wasn't lying when I said I was straight. Straight or not, I can appreciate a good looking woman.

She smiled with pride and I chuckled on the inside.

"Don't let that go to your head. I'm still straight."

I heard the girl mumble. "We'll see."

"What's your name, girl?"

"You'll find out eventually, considering you're going to be screaming it." She winked.

"If you weren't such a stuck up bitch, I probably wouldn't have a problem with you fucking my brains out." I bit my lip hard.

"So." She started whispering now as the class had started. "If I stop being so stuck up and a bit nicer, you'll let me fuck you?"

"Try a lot nicer and find out."

She might of been a player, but I was the coach.


Lunch time came and I was already so tired that I thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head. I decided I needed a splash of water on my face to wake myself up.

I made my way into the bathroom and went to the sink. I splashed some cold water on my face which immediately woke me up. I didn't worry about washing any makeup off because I didn't wear it anyway. I looked into the mirror and groaned at my reflection. I looked like death. I should have worn it today.

"You look fine." A voice startled me.

I turned around to be met with her again.

"And you're stalking me."

"Hey, I was in here first." She crossed her arms and pouted like a child.

"Goodbye now." I smiled before walking past her.

If there was any reason I was going to go insane, she would be it.


The rest of the day passed slower than I was hoping so and I was somewhat disappointed that I hadn't seen the girl that had been consuming my thoughts since the first time I had heard her voice.

I reluctantly made my way to my dorm. The 3 flights of stairs exhausted me to the point where putting one foot in front of the other suddenly seemed like a first world problem and after forcing myself to keep walking I made it into my room and collapsed on my bed.

I layed down allowing my body to regain enough energy to shower and as I started to gather some bed time clothes I heard a loud sigh coming from the bedroom door.

I guess I was about to meet my room mate.

"You've got to be fucking kidding." I threw my hands up letting them fall back down quickly.

"Good evening to you, too." Her smirk told me she was much too happy with this outcome.

"Seriously." I glared at her, picking up my clothes without breaking eye contact.

"This is going to be easier than I thought." She walked close enough to me that I could smell the vanilla aroma that stuck to her body.

And I was soon to find out that she wasn't wrong.


After my shower I walked back into the room and noticed the girl getting dressed into a short black strapless dress with black heels. Her brown hair was now straightened and she had little make up on. She was alluring.

"Going out?" I raised my eyebrow.

"One does not go to college and not party every night, Grandma." She teased.

I yawned. "Have fun but I'm going to sleep."

She walked past me and I breathed her in.

"Goodnight beautiful." She whispered.



"Ouch. Fuck fuck fuck." I heard her voice.

I sat up straight and saw the familiar face stumble into the bedroom.

"Stop cursing so much." I scolded. "How much have you had to drink?" I could smell the alcohol on her as she got closer to me.

"A bit too much I think."

I looked at my phone. "It's 3 in the fucking morning. We have class at 8. Go to bed." I layed back down and closed my eyes.

I felt my bed go down and sat up once again.

"Can I sleep with you?" She slurred.

"Definitely not."

She stood up and made her way over to her bed, fell face first and passed out.

This girl was a hot mess.

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