Chapter Thirty-three

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Sorry if you haven’t received any private messages from me (I really want to and I try to), but please know that I appreciate each of you amazing and very supportive people! If you’ve reached reading this chap, THANK YOU! If you’re still patiently waiting for my slow (sorry T_T) updates, THANK YOU!

And THANK YOU @voldemortspancake for the awesome cover! >>>


Andi’s LOCO Playlist

You better run

Cause there’s gonna be some hell to pay

- “Run, Devil, Run” by Kesha (REPEAT ON)


Chapter Thirty-three

I groan as I force the haziness out of my head.

I can smell something burning and I can hear the crackling of flaming wood and the fading, anguished cries that I’m quite accustomed to.

I struggle to focus and shake my blurring sight clear.

Everything is destroyed.

My eyes go gradually wide in fright as I roam them around the place. Every raised structure is either burning or crumbling into rubble. Humans are fleeing away while clutching bundles of their clothes and belongings. Some of them are kneeling on the ground in a huddle and wailing in grief. The sight of dead, bloody bodies sprawled not just in their midst but all over the area hitches the breath in my throat and draws a strangled cry out of my mouth. I’m standing rigidly inside a wrecked village and I have no recollection of how I’ve gotten myself in the middle of all these.

Flickering images haunt my head like a cinema that uses a defective reel. Screams raise my eardrums’ work to their maximum exertion and make me believe that a banshee may have taken up residence in my auditory canals. I see confusing visions of scurrying people which consist of humans and… creatures. I assume they are not like us from the way their eyes turn red and their mouths enclose a pair of longer canines. I watch a lamp toppling over a wooden porch due to the ruckus thus starting a fire, women screaming for help, men trying to placate them and urging them to run faster, humans dropping down to the ground and the creatures exploding into ash.

What baffles me more is the setting of the events. They are occurring in several, different places.

Have I been in all of them? Have I always been running away? From what? Am I caught up in a tribal war together with these people? Then, I must waste no time and move with them.

I take slow, hesitant steps forward. All heads turn towards my direction, causing me to stop instantly and to hold in a mouthful of air. The look of utter terror on their faces triggers me to whirl around in panic at the thought of a creature lurking behind me while brandishing a set of fangs. I heave up a loud sigh when I see no one. Yet, I realize that my immense relief is only temporary when my gaze drifts back at them and notices that the magnitude of their fright hasn’t lessened.

Are they staring… at me?

I look down and find myself in a decent, woolen dress and a couple of dark brown slippers. I reach for my head and discover my bleach-blonde hair tied neatly in a long braid. I arrange my ruffled clothes and scrutinize myself for whatever hint that may have caused the people’s horrified reaction, but I can’t point out anything. I rub the perspiration from my brow and the dampness from my face.

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