Chapter Four:

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"Oh for bloody sake Chloe hurry up!" Iain said as he honked the horn of his car as he waited for Chloe to come outside of her apartment. They carpooled to work whenever they worked the same day. Chloe came running out a minute or two later carrying a purse and three bags filled with things. She put them in his back seat and sat down in the passengers seat. "Hi." She said with a smile. "Took you long enough!" He said as he put the car and drive and drove off. "How's Liz?" Chloe asked. "Dunno." Iain said with a straight face. "Iaaaain. C'mon man you always know how Liz is. You talk to her 24/7." "Haven't talked to her since the day before yesterday." He admitted.
Chloe could tell it was really bothering him.
"Hey..." She laid her hand on his arm to comfort him. "What happened?" She asked.
"Nothing really. Just haven't spoken to her much since she spent the night the other week."
"Spent the night?" Chloe said, her eyebrow raising. "Not like that, Jesus Chloe. Just she stayed the night and said something about Zach not liking it when she did and she lied and said she was at your house and kissed my cheek and left. It was all a bit weird." Chloe smiled.
"Oh boy. You're in trouble." She said as she poked his arm.
"How?" He asked. She looked at him as if he had no idea what was going on, because he didn't.
"It's obvious Iain. She likes you. And she's scared. So she's avoiding you, hoping her feelings will turn back into friendly ones. But they won't."
"That's not true." He said, he looked quickly over at Chloe who was smiling at him. "There's no way... Me and Liz.... She would never..." He tried to convince himself the last two and a half years he's known her, that what he felt was just him. That he was the only one who felt anything even remotely romantic. He never let himself even imagine that she would ever feel the same way.
"Oh, Iain. You're so naïve." Chloe said shaking her head as they pulled up to the lot.

Iain had their conversation running around in his head all day. It was hard for him to focus on anything else. He felt though, that it helped him get into his roll of Fitz. Because Fitz was pretty much going through the exact same thing.
He was walking to his trailer when he saw Elizabeth waking towards him. His heart fell down to his toes and his stomach turned around and around until he felt he would vomit. "Hi." She said as she walked up to him and gave him a light hug. A different hug than normal. Normally she would run up to him and squeeze him until he could hardly breath. He liked those hugs.
"Hi." He said back as he pulled away from her awkward hug and smiled at her. His heart was beating a million miles an hour and he didn't even know why.
"Hey um Iain... Can we talk?" She asked.
He gulped and felt his nerves rising again.
"Sure." He said as he opened his trailer door for her and followed her in.

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