Chapter 2 - The "wonderful" tour part.1

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Picture of Eli on the side ------------------------------------>


That word echos through my mind on a endless repeat. I begin to question everything as Cayton literally strides toward us. Not once has he broke his eye contact from me .

I can feel the intense anger radiating off of Eli. Eli's hand tenses and he glares at Cayton. Cayton now takes seat in the chair next to mine. "Hello beautiful," He winked.


"Eli." He said dryly while he nodded his head in his direction.

"Cayton," Eli spat. I suddenly became extremely uncomfortable. Uncomfortable situations and I don't go well together. Now that Cayton has sat down, the front office lady isn’t busy. I see my opportunity to escape and take it. I jumped up and pulled on Eli's arm, pulling him from his chair.

"Lets go get my schedule before we have no time to tour the school." I start to drag Eli along by the arm. I notice that the two boys continue to glare at each other.


I rolled my eyes, and politely smiled at the lady.

"Hi, may I have my schedule. I'm a new kid this year.?"

"What's your name?" She says her voice is very monotone, she looks slightly irritated. Whatever that Cayton guy did must have really got her upset.

"Faye Evans." I try to politely say while smiling. I don't want to add to her anger. The lady just nods at me. Not even a response. Well okay then miss crabby pants!

I glance over to Eli to see him still glaring across the room. I frown and yank his arm. "Stop," I whisper. I mean really what is Eli trying to do glare a hole in the guys head. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. He grumbles what I think is a 'fine'. Then snaps out of it, and smiles to me. Now relaxing, probably not wanting to upset me. The printer goes off and the lady holds the paper in my face. After that I am totally ignored. Wow not even a welcome to our school? This might be my first time at a new school, but man I thought I would a least get a good luck or something.

Eli grabs my schedule ,and holds it out so we both can see it. He grabs in his pocket, and unfolds a piece of paper, it must be his schedule. Eli holds both of our schedules side by side. His face lights up.

"We have two classes together. I was hoping for more, but I'm glad it's not less."

"Which classes?" I ask. I look down and scan to see my first block class. I was saddened to see that I had math first.

"Please tell me you have first block math with me Eli! I don't think I could survive if not." I pout up at Eli.

Eli has all advanced classes and I know he is really good at math. I need him! The class is just so difficult. He shake his head. Oh come on, I couldn't be lucky just this one time! I guess I'll just suffer through Math alone.

"No, we have P.E second block and advanced history together last block." I snicker at the thought of him actually doing physical activity. "What?" He ask confused.

I giggle again at the confused look on his face and shake my head. "Just the thought of you doing anything physical amuses me." I smirk.

"Shut up. I'm not terrible, just not average either.” He smirks back.

"Anyway, my inability to do sports is not the point. We have something important to do. Let's go Faye." Eli motions his head to the door. Oh just how I know Eli. Eli joking around, and then remembering he needs to get serious.

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