Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

★ Gray's POV ★

A/N: Oh hey, an update 3 months later. For those of you who haven't given up on this story, hi. Sorry for not updating, I've been working on other stories and being crushed by homework. Hopefully more updates will be coming out soon (at the very least, I have chapters 10 and 11 planned out.) 

I was trying really hard to focus in class. Really. It just wasn't working out.

Simply put, I had more pressing matters clouding my thoughts; namely, black satin masks and soft pink lips.

The Black Angel refused to leave my head. Every time I blinked, his bright green eyes flashed in my vision. The softness of his wings that brushed against my skin as we kissed last night gave me goosebumps.

It was almost comical, really. The Black Angel, the most powerful entity of our city and an amazing, kind, noble person could be into someone as boring and normal as me. It was surreal. He was surreal.

It felt like I knew Angel forever, and yet I had no idea who he was behind the mask. Believe me, I wanted to know so badly it ached, and yet, I respected Angel too much to ask for him to reveal his identity to me. knew he would when the time was right.

Until then, he would continue to be the brave superhero that continued to make my heart beat unnaturally fast.

"Gray!" Ms. Winters' voice jolted me out of my fantasies of the ever-mesmerizing Black Angel. "Please continue reading the second paragraph, if you will."

"Um, sure," I cleared my throat, straightening my handout on my desk. I was grateful she had told me where to read, otherwise I would've been lost and embarrassed myself in front of the entire class. "Yeats was attracted to the spiritual and occult world and fashioned for himself an elaborate mythology to explain human experience. 'The Second Coming,' written after the catastrophe of World War I and with communism and fascism rising, is a compelling glimpse of an inhuman world about to be born."

In English class today, we were taking a break between units to read a poem. Personally, I didn't like reading poetry. I didn't enjoy finding the realer meanings about a text and taking the understanding to the next level. Nevertheless, English class always stretched out connotations that may not actually exist, which I found annoying.

"Thank you, Gray. Now, please get into partners for reading and annotating 'The Second Coming'," Ms. Winters instructed from her spot in the front of the room. Her back faced the class as she wrote out three essential questions with blue marker on the whiteboard. My eyes immediately cast to the chair next to me, disappointed when I remembered Lucy was out sick today. Shit, I thought with irritation, glancing around the room. Lucy's my only friend in this class.

As people scraped their desks against the tile floors to get closer to their partners, I bit my lip and shrunk down in my seat, hoping there would be an odd number of people in the class and I could work on my own. I shielded my eyes with my obsidian-colored bangs and busied myself by scribbling my name and date in the corner of my paper. I thought my plan had worked, considering most of the partners had struck up conversation about the poem and I had gone unnoticed. Unfortunately, I thought too soon, and fate decided to stab me in the back, just for kicks.

"Gray! Why aren't you working with anyone?" Ms. Winters demanded sternly. I gulped and forced myself to make eye contact, although I probably just looked annoyed. "Who doesn't have a partner? Ah... Natsu! Go over there and work with Gray."

I gazed in Natsu's direction, who was grabbing a pencil and his paper. He hesitated for as long as he could before the glare of Ms. Winters became too much to bear, and he scampered over to my desk. He plopped in Lucy's empty chair, not making eye contact. Confused as to why he didn't say hello, I reached over and jabbed my pencil into his side.

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