Chapter 17- New clans, new rivals

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An: I love this piece of artwork! Hope you like it! And thanks for 1000 views, you are all amazing!! :)

That night the cats grouped round together in the camp clearing, before they were to set off for the gathering.

Olivetail stood beside Blackpaw's mentor, Swanleaf, and Lemonpaw overheard them chatting excitedly about the gathering.

"I wonder if Zebrastar will give news on Sweetwillow's kits." Swanleaf wondered, her white tail twitching nervously.

"Probably. I wonder if she has had them yet..." Olivetail murmured.

Jetstar leapt in front of the cats, her tail raised and black coat gleaming in the starlit night.

"LilyClan; those who I named earlier, let us go to the gathering!" She pounced effortlessly onto the grass her green eyes beaming with excitement.

The cats followed her into the forest beyond. Lemonpaw's paws tingled. I can't believe I am actually going to a clan gathering. I never would've thought there was four more clans past Twolegplace!

Jetstar led the group of cats towards the sun drown place, where the clan arrived at a small grass clearing on the sun drown cliffs.

Wow. I've never seen the sun drown place before! We're so high up... I've only heard about this place in the elders' stories.

Olivetail padded beside Lemonpaw, noticing her gazing in awe at the wide expanse beyond.

"That's were Sandclan live." His tail wavered over a hollow in the cliff face.

Cool. They actually live on the cliffs?!

Jetstar's green eyes glittered like emeralds in the moonlight, as she leapt onto a large boulder.

"That's the Starstone, where the clan leaders speak." Olivetail meowed nonchalantly, sitting down beside Lemonpaw.

A group of cats raced into the clearing from the hills, their pelts mostly of dark colours and the flanks lean. A silver tabby she-cat jumped onto the Starstone next to Jetstar.

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