Super sorry! xc

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating.

My parents found out about my recent self harming from my school.

They don't trust me home alone too much, so I've not been able to get much alone time to write.

I'm truly sorry! >_<

See, I can day these things on here, because nobody from school reads my stuff. So yey! I hope to get back at it soon.

I'm currently hiding out in the bathroom. Heheh.

I hope you guys understand and won't give me too much of a hard time. cx

I love every single one of you. Thank you for reading! It means so much to me that people enjoy this story.

Oh! I'm also still working on that other story that I mentioned. Well.... I'm pretty sure I mentioned it. Eheh. Oops.

Hopefully it will be out soon.

I love you all! Have a gorgeous day.

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