Chapter 9

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Kyler's POV

"Ben, I don't want to go in there! Please! Don't make me go!" I turned to Chris then begged him, "Don't make me go! I don't want to go in there!" I was sobbing while currently standing outside the school doors. No one was around which was good for Ben.

Ben spoke up, "Kyler, Chris will be with you all day and if something major happens then I'll step in. We're here to protect you."

"But if you do that, won't you be sold out? It will ruin you!" Ben's face dropped and paled a little bit. He obviously didn't think about that.

"You're safety is more important." Chris spoke in for Ben.

"Just tell him only you and Brian can beat me up, Ben." I said, still crying a little.

"You'll be fine. I'll be with you most of the day, like Ben said." Chris smiled, encouragingly.

I hugged them both. It's great to know people are here for you through tough times. It's been a while.

"Bye Ben, keep a close eye on Kyler. Okay?" Chris spoke sternly as Ben nodded. We walked in the school. A few minutes later, Ben had walked in- so people wouldn't think we were all together- and went over to Brian.

Chris smiled as he looked at me me. "So Ky, do you feel any better?" I looked at him blankly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You went to the hospital, remember?" I had to force myself not to slap myself. How stupid can I get?

"Oh yeah... I'm feeling much better." I flashed him a weak smile. I couldn't help it. I just can't smile properly right now.

"I know you're worried but you'll be fine. Ben and I have your back. So no worries, kay?" He smiled that bright smile of his.

I looked ahead of me. Someone was coming my way. He was huge; bigger than Ben! And trust me, Ben is a pretty big guy. He came and stood right in front of me. Yep, huge. Or maybe I just got shorter... Nope. Definitely huge.

"You're the queer everyone has been talking about, aren't you? Ummm..." Was he seriously trying to remember my actual name? "Kyler! That's it!"

Chris stood in front on me in a protective way. "Coulter just leave him alone!" But Coulter didn't listen. He threw Chris, literally, across the floor and he ended up hitting his head on the lockers. Fairly hard. I looked over at Chris, terrified. He was laying out cold on the floor.

"CHRIS!" I cried out.

I looked back at Coulter. He... he's scary. Ben... Ben! Where is he? I need him right now! BEN!

As if he heard my thoughts, Ben jumped in front of me right as Coulter swung his arm, aiming for me. "BEN!" He had gotten hit. He... protected me. Ben...

"BEN!" I saw him smile but I could tell he was in pain. Much pain.

"Thank me later, now run! Run now Kyler!" So I did. I ran as fast as I could, but a couple corner turns later, I bumped into some girls. They screamed.

"Ew! It touched me! Gross!" They made fun of me, calling me names and telling me to die because the world doesn't need me.

They're right. The world doesn't need me. Why am I even still here? I'm surprised that I'm still alive. Like, I have a crush on my freaking bully! It's pointless anyways. He hates me. Why don't I just give up? He only cares about popularity. Why do I even bother living? Nothing good will come out of it. I'll go back. I'll face Coulter. He could crush me in seconds. Wouldn't that be nice?

* * *

Done! I updated! I would love to hear your comments! Thank you for reading! Until next time!!!!

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