Chapter. 3

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I walked up to them and sat back down where I was sitting.

"Where did you go?" Chris said really confused.

"Well, someone took me to a empty classroom," I said.

"I think we now who," the twins said wiggling their eyebrows.

"Shut-up," I said sticking my tongue out like a five year old, "all of you guys coming to my birthday party, right?'

"Of course," Mayla said.

"Yeah, like who would miss the Alpha's only daughter's party?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know, other people?" I said.

"Yeah, other people," Mayla and Jessica said at the same time.


"Let's go," Eric said grabbing my arm and dragging me to class.

"You know you don't have to drag me there," I said.

"I know but I want to," he said smiling.

"Weirdo," I said.

"I heard that!" he yelled walking into class while dragging me with him.

"I think she wanted you to hear her," Luis said from behind us.

"Since when were you behind us?" I asked confused.

"The whole time!" Luis yelled.

"Well sorry," I said sitting in the back corner seat with Luis in front of me and Eric to the side of me.

"Two more classes to go." I mumbled.

~After school~

I was putting things in my locker when Chris and Zach came up to me.

"Oh, hey guys," I said smiling.

"Hey!" they said smiling back.

"So I heard you got a new car," Zach said.

"Yes I did, guess what it is," I said walking down the hallway with the twins by my sides.

"Dodge Challenger 2013 SRT8 black with a red race line and black & red rims," Chris said smiling back.

"You guys know me so well!" I yelled running out of school and running to my babe. The twins were right behind me.

My Possessive Bad Boy Alpha *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now