The more they know...

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The more they know….

The day had dragged on this far but at last it was time to eat. Both Elizabeth and Renesmee had made some new friends. Still the time was 1.30pm and that sure enough meant food time and Nessie especially due to the long journey was hungry. So the two groups both proceeded towards the mess hall where food of all sorts was being served. It was very busy, then again with nearly 150 kids in the building and considering its size it was hardly surprising that the place was packed, though once again it was the Marva's keeping things under control while the children got served.

Both Liz and Nessie got into the queue on separate sides, depending on what part of the camp you were located. On either side the same foods were being served and this system had helped to keep the level of mess down. Just a few minutes later the pair of them reached the front of the buffet, standing side by side but paying no attention to each other thanks to their sets of friends and both to busy paying attention to the nice food in front of them. Just as it seemed the two's eyes were destined to meet as they both get a roll, Marva Sr arrives with a empty plate, after being tempted by some lush Strawberries and gets in-between the pair of them.

Marva SR.: Excuse me, girls ... I've just got to have a scoop of those gorgeous strawberries. (holding a large spoonful turns to Liz) Care for some?

Liz: Oh, no thanks, can't, I'm allergic.

Following her friends Liz moves away from the buffet to sit her friends on the right hand side of the hall while Marva dumps her Strawberries into her plate, before turning to see Nessie on her other side, just finishing a little chat to her friends.

Marva SR: How bout you, dear? Strawberries?

Nessie: Sorry, wish I could but I'm allergic.

Marva continues to dig out some more strawberries before taking a look at Nessie again, giving a confused look as to why she was looking at a carbon copy of the girl she was just talking too, she was old but she wasn't that confused.

MARVA SR. Oh, yes, allergic, you just told me that.

How'd you get over there? Oh, well, first day of camp... You'll have to excuse the ol' girl.

Nessie pulls a shy smile as Marva starts to ramble to herself, while Nessie is left wondering exactly what Marva was talking about as a hint of confusion spread across her face. Still the relaxation of her friends eased that thought from her mind and lured her over to sit down and eat the food, leaving Marva talking to herself and wondering just where Nessie had gone.

At least I'm not Putting salt in the sugar shakers yet. I mean, sugar in the... Now, where'd she go? The lovely sunny day continued and by the end of the afternoon many brave girls decided to go swimming; Liz had been one of them and decided to have a shower in the shower facilities. A few minutes after Liz turned on the shower, Nessie, a little un-accustomed to the heat of the day in June compared to London felt the need to wash her hair as well so enters the nearest cubicle, cubicle 4. The showers were located close to the lake in a prime position for washing after a swim. Between each cubicle was a big film, with nothing seeing able on the other sides of the film. Clumsily while washing her hair Liz drops her soap over the other side, which was the cubicle that Nessie was in. Being the kind person that Nessie was she quickly bends over, getting own her back wet as she does so by the shower and picks up the soap bar, then jumps up merrily handing it back to the hand poking over the top of the film.

Nessie: Here you go.

Liz: Got it! Thanks

Nessie passes Liz the soap and both touch, for the first time in their lives. Everything seemed to stop for a second or two as some sort of energy flowed between the two of them, quite what was unknown to them at that time but it shocked them a little. Slowly they let their hands dis-connect from each other and both turn to their lockets, both pretty much identical and hold them, clutching them.

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