Chapter 11

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~ Noel ~

A nervous kind of excitement floods my being.

I know I shouldn't be this excited to get back in the car, but what if something happens again. What if he goes even farther this time? Different scenarios fill my mind making me jittery.

I slide into the driver's seat and close the car door before starting the engine. Tide hesitates slightly, but slowly gets into the car after me. I meet his eyes and smile softly before driving away from the beach.

The car is filled with silence for the better part of the ride back and Tide seems to be so caught up in his thoughts that he is no longer paying attention to me. And I know this might sound selfish, but I want him focused on me and only me.

I glance at Tide once more. He doesn't notice. Instead, he stares out the window with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his eyes holding a faraway look.

I try to fight off the feeling of disappointment that threatens to pull down my mood. Just because he started something before doesn't mean he's going to start something now.

He's probably just too occupied with his brothers. It has nothing to do with you. He wouldn't have touched you at all if he didn't at least like you a little. Right?

Stop right there, Noel. You're starting to sound like a girl.

"Noel," I jump at the sudden voice. Tide meets my eyes with curiosity burning in his orbs. "Are you alright? What's on your mind?"

His gaze doesn't move from me as I look back at the road; fidgeting nervously. I quickly decide to not answer his question to avoid any further embarrassment.

"So you're not going to answer me?" He asks. I glance at him, but don't respond. Out the corner of my eye, I see him tilt his head a little bit.

"Why? Was it your train of thought?" He asks. I don't reply. "I want to see if I can guess what it was. Tell me if I guess it."

"Was it a person?" He asks. When I don't acknowledge his question, he huffs. "Come on. You have to play." He says. I sigh, shrugging in defeat. He smiles before repeating his previous question.

After a few moments of hesitation, I nod. Tide makes a quiet noise in victory; making me grin despite the dread accumulating in the pit of my stomach. What if he guesses himself? I don't want to sound weird for thinking about him.

"Is it someone I know?" He asks. I nod again. Tide is quiet for a minute.

"Is it... Jeremy?" He asks after a while. I shake my head. And that's how our conversation went for a bit. After a few more guesses, Tide seemed stumped. Then,

"I don't know who else- Unless," Tide looks up at me, "you were thinking about me...?" I don't respond this time; proving Tide's guess right through my silence.

Tide is quiet for a few minutes. I glance at him; starting to get nervous. What could he be thinking about?

"Pull over." He finally says. I frown.

"What? Why?" I immediately ask. Tide doesn't answer my question.

Instead he repeats, "Pull over." Against my better judgement, I pull the car over. The open scenery looks far from civilized. And if it weren't for the road running through, it would look untouched by man.

As soon as the car parked, Tide was out of the car and walking around the front of the vehicle. I watch in confusion as he stops right outside of my door. He opens the door. Before I can ask him what he's doing, I'm pulled out of the car.

I'm barely out of the car for a few seconds before my back is being pressed against my car. Tide stands just inches away from me, his forearms leaning against the car and his breath fanning my face.

His eyes search mine. For what? I'm not sure. But he seems to find it, because a second later he's smirking mischievously.

"What were you thinking about?" Tide asks. I frown.

"Didn't I already tell you that?" I ask, but he grins as if he was hoping I'd ask that.

"No. You didn't say anything," he replies. "I want to hear you say it."

I hesitate. "Do I... have to?" Tide chuckles softly.

"Yes. You have to." He answers, amusement swimming in his eyes. I sigh; deciding to just say it. It isn't like I'm announcing my undying love for him or something.

"Fine," I relent. "I was thinking about you, and how I wanted something to happen on the way back. But, I also thought about how it's fine if nothing happens, because you're probably more focussed on finding your brothers right now anyway."

"Something like what?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and he quickly takes the hint. "What kind of something did you want to happen on the way back?"

I feel my face start to heat up. "Well, uh," I hesitate before taking a deep breath and meeting Tide's gaze once more. "I was hoping you'd touch me- like you did on the way here." I manage to say without stuttering, but my face is undoubtedly redder than a fire truck.

Tide leans closer, his lips brushing mine. "See?" He murmurs. "Was that so hard?"

I smile despite my embarrassment. "Yes, it was." I say playfully. Tide laughs; making my grin widen considerably.

When he stops laughing, Tide moves so his forehead is leaning on my own. I place my hands on his hips and pull him closer.

We stay in this position for a while; on the side of the road, against a parked car, staring into each other's eyes. If a car drive by, I probably wouldn't have even noticed.

Tide is the one to break the moment. The corner of his mouth rises before he says, "If you manage to drive us back without any delays, I'm sure I can find some way to make it up to you for being so oblivious."

He leans in to kiss the side of my mouth, and then he's gone; walking back around the front of the car. It takes me a moment to process his words. But when I do, I grin and open the car door.

Challenge accepted.


It has been a while. And I apologize, but I hope you liked it.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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