Chapter 6

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Tide  ~

A week.

This is how long I have survived without any access to my realm. It's both astounding and alarming.

Astounding, because I was able to ignore the pull of the sea. This has never happened to me before, which in turn makes this fact alarming as well. It makes me wonder just how badly my realm has been damaged in my absence.

My arms are wrapped securely around my legs, making it much easier to place my head on top of my knees. I sigh quietly as I hear Noel enter the room.

The human has been persistent these last few days, that's for sure. In all honesty though, I don't feel the need to keep denying his advances. Even that has become exhausting.

Don't think this means anything happened, however. Noel's advances resulted in an awkward silence. Well, for him at least. I honestly couldn't bring myself to care about much of anything, including the aura in the room.

The human hasn't tried much lately though. Lately, he's been trying to get me to speak to him, but to be honest I really don't see the point. Why speak to him when I can listen to the call of the sea?

Noel kneels in front of me and meets my blank stare. I vaguely notice how his eyes are more of a hazel, not the light brown I originally thought.

He smiles softly.

I blink.

"I have a surprise for you. Come on, Tide." The human motions for me to follow him before walking to the door and slipping on what he calls shoes. But, to me they are like a more covered version of sandals. I sigh again before getting up and following him to the door. I slip on a pair of 'shoes' that Noel got me.

He walks outside and I follow begrudgedly. The two humans who seem to find it fun to stick needles in my arm appear to have about to come in. Noel walks past then as of they were invisible. In normal circumstances, I would find their shocked faces highly amusing, but in this case I walk past them without so much as glancing at them.

"Noel? What are you doing?" One asks, but Noel blantly ignores him. Noel opens the door of the box I arrived in, and gestures for me to get in. I sigh, reluctantly doing as he asked. I'll regret this later. I can feel it.

Noel closes the door and walks to the other side. One of the other humans seem to be yelling at him about something, but again Noel ignores him.

Instead, he gets in the box as if they weren't even there. I watch silently as Noel pulls this strap like thing around his body and proceeds to fasten it on the other side of his body. He glances at me, then rolls his eyes. He leans closer and pulls another strap thing, that looks similar to his own, from one side of me and fastens it on my other side.

He then puts a little metal peice into a thin hole and soon it's like the box is alive. My grip on the seat tightens and I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing I was in the sea instead.

The box isn't alive long. Soon, the strange sounds it made is replaced by the sound of the sea. My eyes flick open in an instant. The familiar sound seems too good to be true, but the sight of the never ending water makes a smile appear on my face.

I struggle to unfasten the strap thing, but it takes me a few moments to press the button. Thankfully, my last time in this box taught me how to open it, so I waste no time pulling the lever and pushing it open.

I hurry out of the box and to the lapping waves. Completely ignoring the sound of another car, I will the waves to come closer. I reach the small waves about the same time the humans start yelling at each other.

"What the h- do you think you're doing, Noel?!" One human yells and I glance back to see Noel, with his arms crossed, glaring at the yelling man.

"He was depressed, and I refuse to treat him like a caged animal just because you want to do tests on him. It isn't right." Noel says and his calm tone gets me to turn away from them and back to the water.

I walk onto the surface of the water and sit cross legged a few feet away from the sand. I dip my hand into my polluted waters, close my eyes and focus on how my domain is supposed to look.

About half an hour later, I could feel a headache coming on, so I open my eyes and retract my hand from the now clean water. I rub my temples in an attempt to ward off my headache. When I feel like it has done its job, I remove my hands and glance around.

The humans are no longer arguing. Instead, they look at me with surprise. I stand and stretch then walk the few feet back to land. I almost immediately miss the feeling of the water moving under me. Blantly ignoring the other humans, I walk over to Noel and gather him into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you." I whisper. Noel gasps at his sudden lack of air. He pats my back repeatedly.

"Your welcome, but I can't breathe." He gasps out. I release him immediately after the words register. He takes a few deep breaths.

"Sorry." I say, scratching the back of my neck and trying to push down the blush that's dying to creep up on my cheeks. Noel just smiles.

"You're fired, Noel." One of the other humans says making us turn to him.

"What? Why?" Noel asks, startled. I look between the two humans in confusion. What is going on?

"Because, you deliberately ignored my instructions and almost lost our subject." The human says. Noel glares at him.

"So you're firing me for doing the right thing. Should have seen that coming." Noel says, rolling his eyes. I glance at the two with wide eyes. The tension in the air is thick and I'm reminded that I don't do well in these situations.

"Uh, guys." The second human speaks up for the first time.

"What Emerson?" The other human snaps. The human called Emerson points at the water in a mixture of surprise and horror.

"We need to go. Like now." He says, causing everyone to look at where he's pointing. There you can see a tidal wave forming. I sigh. And this is why I'm not good in those situations. If Hemlock is awake, he's going to kill me when he feels what is about to occur.

Noel pulls my arm. "Come on, Tide. We need to go." I shake my head. "We need to go. If we don't, that tsunami will most likely kill us. Come on." Again, I shake my head. I caused it so I have to fix it.

I sigh, knowing how much of my energy this will take, but I still close my eyes and focus on the wave. I imagine it hitting an invisible wall and dissipating. And then I focus on the smaller wave of water still crawling to land. I grit my teeth as I try to slow it down. By now I have a raging headache, but I ignore it until the much much smaller wave reaches land.

I feel the cold water surround and embrace my body, but that's the last thing I feel before I pass out once again.

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