Chapter 5

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~  Noel  ~


The only emotion I can recognize before Tide pulls away. My eyes are wide and I'm probably redder than crimson, not to mention I'm 99.999% sure Tide can hear my raging heartbeat. I subconsciously lick my bottom lip, tasting what only I can describe as the ocean. Is it possible for someone to taste like the ocean?

I close my eyes, savoring the intoxicating taste that I've found to be Tide. I let out a breath and open my eyes. Tide sits across from me, calm and thoughtful. He doesn't seem to notice me watching him. He just sits staring at the couch with an intense stare.

I wonder if his skin tastes as good as his lips.

I exit my thoughts, giving Tide my undivided attention. "Tide? What's wrong?" He blinks, as if he's just realized I was there. Then, he looks up at me and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, human. I should not have kissed you." He says, and my eyes narrow.

"Okay. One," I hold up my pointer finger, "don't call me 'human' when you know my name. Two," I hold up two fingers, "why should you not have kissed me?"

"Because, you are human, and I have a vendetta against humans. I realize I'm giving you mixed signals, so I want you to know the only reason I kissed you was because I can be very impulsive." He explains. I frown.

"What kind of vendetta?" I ask. Tide seems to contemplate telling me, but he ends up shaking his head.

"I can't tell you, human. I mean, Noel." He quickly corrects himself. I feel like throwing my hands up in frustration. How am I supposed to get him to let go of a vendetta that he won't tell me?

"Why not? What's the point of getting humans back if they don't even know what it's for?" I try to reason. Tide contemplates my point for a moment.

"Well, if I told you about the vendetta, then I'd have to tell you everything and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that." He says softly. I groan, knowing I can't force him to tell me.

"Okay. If you ever want to tell me, though, I'll always be here to listen." I say. A silence follows, but then I glance at the clock. "It's getting pretty late. Are you hungry?" Tide nods.

I gesture for him to follow me before walking into the now clean kitchen. I gesture to a chair, "Go ahead and take a seat. Would you prefer seafood?" I ask. Tide shakes his head, and I notice how he's been avoiding talking to me. I frown.

"Well, we can share some pancakes if you want." I take out the pancakes from earlier that I never ate and grabbed another fork for Tide. I place the plate in-between us and hand him the utensil. He looks at it, then watches me maneuver my fork to cut a peice off the pancake.

He trys to copy my movements, but ends up dropping the form with a loud clank. He jumps a bit, blushing lightly. "Sorry. I, uh, never used one of these before." I chuckle, amused at how he refuses to meet my eyes.

"It's fine. Here let me show you." I get up, placing my fork on the table before walking around the table and behind him. I pick up his fork from the table and give it to him before wrapping my fingers around his. I then slowly guide his hand to the plate and cut the pancake before placing it on the fork.
"And that is how you use a fork." I say, moving around the table. Tide doesn't say anything, his face much redder than before.

"I can teach you how to use a spoon tomorrow." Tide glances at me, meets my gaze for a split second, then blushes even harder and adverts his gaze. I smirk.

"What's wrong, Tide? Are you too hot? I can turn the temperature down some." I tease. Tide shakes his head quickly.

"N-No. I'm fine." He sputters, still refusing to meet my eyes. I feel my smirk turn into a grin.

"Are you sure? It wouldn't be a problem." I say, and this time Tide picks up on my teasing tone. He meets my gaze, and instead of looking away like before, he narrows his eyes.

"Yes, Noel. I am positive." He says, his eyes daring me to question him. I simply grin at him playfully.

"Well, your face isn't as red as before. I wonder how you cooled off so fast." I say, winking. Tide huffs, his blush coming back. I pretend to gasp in surprise. "You look hot again! Maybe I should turn the temperature down just a bit." I pretend to ponder. Tide crosses his arms and pouts.

"Stop teasing me! It's not funny!" He whines childishly. I laugh, sticking my tongue out like a five year old. Tide gasps as if the action hurt him before mimicking my actions. I chuckle and soon enough Tide's melodic laughter follows. I quiet, listening to the few moments of beauty before the sound dies down.

We stare at each other in comfortable silence for a few moments before I break it. "Ready to go to sleep?" Tide nods and follows me as I get up and walk out of the room and to the guest room next to mine.

"You can sleep in here. If you need anything I'll be in the room right next to this one." I inform and Tide nods so I leave the room and close the door behind me.

I know I told Jeremy I would lock doors and windows and stuff while he's here. But, I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. Tide is like a human to me, so it feels too utterly wrong of me to lock the doors and windows like he's some animal.

I walk into my room, thinking of our conversation. Tide said he was impulsive. Maybe I can use that to my advantage. Nothing can beat the art of seduction in a time like this. I grin.

You will be mine, Tide.


I don't have much to say today, so how are you?

Life treating you well? But then again when does it ever. Hey I've got a quote from... somewhere....

"The world is only confusing if you believe it has to make sense."


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