In The Silence-1

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This is a picture of Tina played by Vanessa Marano. :D  Enjoy!


Chapter 1


6th September was the date that Tina was dreading along with most of the school kids in England. Today was the day that Tina was going back to school, new teachers, new classes, new year. The only things the same are her friends.

'It's not going to be that bad,' She  keeps telling her self over and over again while she puts on her bottle green uniform. 'After all it's only school'

As she ambles down the stairs for breakfast she can see her mum dithering about in the kitchen making Tina's little sister, Lucy, a bacon sandwich and fiddling about with her uniform -It's Lucy's first day a secondary school today and Tina's mum want her looking her best. "Hiya mum," Tina says cheerfully, her mum didn't even look up but gave her a little wave. "And how are you Lucy? First day at secondary is a bit scary,huh?" Tina asks as she puts two pieces of toast in the toaster.

"No way I'm not scared!" Lucy protested but Tina knows her sister's lieing when she's playing withher hair, and Lucy was playing with her hair.

"Now girls no fighting, no talking back to teachers and do NOT make me get sent into school for your bad behaviour!" Tina's mum said this every year but Tina did all of those things anyway no matter how hard her mum pleads.

"Mum..." Tina starts to say but her mum interrupts her.

"No Tina I really mean it this time, you can't get yourselef into trouble all the time! Where will you be when your older? Begging and selling the Big Issue that's where you'll be if you carry on like this!" Her mum shouts and looks like she's going to burst into tears, but Tina doesn't know what she's talking about, she's the top of her classes in all the subjects, did well on her GCSEs and is now staying on for six form, she just has a short temper that's all.

"Mum what I was going to say is that bacon is going to disappear if you cook it any longer!" Tina shouts.

Her mum jumps in surprise to see the once pink piece of bacon now black and burnt in the frying pan. "Oh god, sorry Lucy you'll have to have a piece of Tina's toast instead." Tina sighs and finishes buttering her toast and gives a piece to Lucy.

Tina looks up at the clock on the wall and sighs again. "Hurry up Lucy, school starts in ten minutes." The good thing about Tina's house is that it is near the school so she can wake up quite late and go to school on time, but that is the only thing good about the house. It never felt the same to Tina after her dad left four years ago.


Tina stands sits on the fifth step from the bottom with her suitcase lieing beside her. She knows what's happening, she knows what she's going to do. She can hear her mum sobbing and pleading and her dad speaking in a calm voice trying to calm her down in the living room.

She dare not look in there because she knows the image will haunt her forever. Tina's breathing is uneven as her mum starts shouting and swearing at him saying things like 'You just can't leave us!' and her dad muttering something in the same calm voice that she can't her properly.

Tina knows what's going to happen, she's got it all worked out in her head, first her mum and dad will come out the living room and will and ask her to bring her sister down. Then once she's done that her and Lucy will have to chose between her mum or dad. Lucy will pick mum and she would pick her dad and will live happily with him for the rest of her life, playing board games together and going to theme parks every Sunday like they use to do before Lucy came along.

But Tina's fantasy was interrupted by her dad coming out of the living room, grabbing his suitcase and storming out the house without any goodbye or noticing Tina on the stairs .So Tina grabbed her suitcase and followed him to his car and sat in the passenger seat.

'What are you doing princess?' Her dad asked.Tina showed him her suitcase and he sighed 'You can't come with me Tina!' That was the first time she can remember he used her name instead of 'princess'.

'Why not? Your leaving, and i'm coming with you!' She said closing her door.

'NO TINA! YOU CAN'T COME WITH ME! I'M LEAVING THIS FAMILY YOU HEAR ME! YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN! NEVER!' He shouted, Tina felt tears welling in her eyes he never shouted at her.

'Dad you can't leave me here! Why can't you take me with you! We can play board games and go to the theme park every sund-" She could't finish her sentence because her dad had opened the her door and thrown her suitcase out.

'YOU GO YOU HEAR ME! GO!' He screamed and shoved her out the car, closed the door again and drove off down the road as fast as he could.

'Daaaaaaaaaaaaad!' Tina screamed down the road as she saw her dad's car driving away for good.


"Her we are Lucy, school." Tina says as they walk up to the grey building with several fore-builings around it.

"Huh huh," Lucy says in agreement and clutches her bag tighter.

"Hey, don't worry about it, you'll be fine, now make your way to the hall and I'll see you back home OK?"

"OK," Lucy says and starts walking towards the hall, and Tina walks off to her first lesson, English.


"Hello class I'm Mr Shuts" A middle age man says in a lifeless voice. Mr shuts has black hair with a haircut that looks like he used a pudding bowl as a template, his eyes are just as lifeless as his voice and are a greeny, bluey colour, and when he speaks you can see every wrinkle in his face which was, to Tina, very disturbing.

"Hello Mr Shuts," The class say at once, Mr shuts shakes his head and tuts.

"Class, you have broken my only rule before we even started, but since you don't know the rule I will let you off this one time,"

 All the class look at him confused and scan around the room to see if anyone knows what he's talking about, until one brave boy named Jack raises his had. "Yes, you at the back what do you want?"

Jack hesitates for a moment then asks "What is your only rule, sir?"

"Well young man my rule is," He starts then grabs a whiteboard pen and writes ' Do not talk until you are asked' "Now if you break this rule there will be...punishments," He says with a grin, and Tina feels she's not going to like Mr Shuts at all.

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