Yes, You Can Change the World

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Dear Reader,

I'm going to start something new, and I'm calling it my "Recommendation of the Week." Once a week-or maybe twice, depending on my mood-I will recommend something that I think could benefit almost anyone, Christian or not. (Though they will be directed at Christians specifically.) It could be an exercise, a band, a movie, a book, a website, an attitude, or even a challenge! The possibilities are endless.

If you have something you want a recommendation for, leave me a comment down below looking something like this: "Hey, what are some good Christian bands? #RecommendMe." Then I'll reply with my answer and why I recommend that particular item/place/person/etc. It could be fun!

My Recommendation of the Week is: a challenge.

I challenge you to personally witness of God's goodness to someone in your life this week.

Wait! Don't click out of the tab yet! Hear me out. To witness can mean either a) you saw an event take place or b) you're giving evidence of something. As a witness of Christ, you do both. So when I ask you to witness of God's goodness to someone, I'm asking you to take what you have seen of His goodness, and tell them your testimony. Now, let me witness to you for a second.

Alright, it was right after I stopped adding entries during my sophomore year. We have an event most years at my church (Atlanta West Pentecostal Church) called "Friend Day." The prerogative is to invite a friend to church on that day. Simple, right? Not for a fifteen year old in a high school where being Christian was tolerated at best! But Bro. Johns had asked us to take two invitations and give them to at least two people. Well, I mean, he's my pastor, so I determined to do it-at least for his sake.

The next day at school I was in Chorus class with my friend Kayla, and I thought, this is it. I had no idea what I was doing, and it was super awkward, but I wanted to tell her everything that I'd been taught. So I began talking to her about Jesus, about the void that we all have until we receive the Holy Ghost, and the incredible love that He has for us. I didn't think much would come of it; I was just saying it as a precursor to giving her the invitation. Can you imagine my surprise when tears began to fill her eyes and she began to cry, right there in the middle of class!

As you've probably already deduced, this scene drew some attention from my other classmates. A girl named Emily had been sitting in front of us, and she turned around to see what was happening. Now, I had known Emily in middle school, though mainly through reputation. Our friend groups didn't really cross so we didn't have much contact. However, when she asked what we were talking about, I didn't want her to feel left out, like I had this special invitation and she wasn't allowed to go. I figured, why not kill two birds with one stone? So, with some trepidation, I gave her the invitation, fully expecting her to haughtily shrug it off once she realized that it wasn't juicy gossip and heartbreak, but rather that dreaded "Jesus" thing.

Further astonishment ensued when her eyes lit up like beacons! She snatched that invitation ridiculously fast, like she was on a sinking ship and it was her only lifeline. I cannot describe how flabbergasted I was. But I quickly shook the happiness away; she was just being polite, right? I returned my attention to Kayla-who told me that she wasn't going to be able to come because of a family event or something. I wasn't too disappointed, I'd expected rejection from the beginning. But, I was satisfied, because I had done what I was told and had invited two people, and was therefore absolved of all responsibility for Friend Day.

However, God wasn't done surprising me yet. Early on Sunday morning (Friend Day), I was awoken by a text on my phone. And you'll never guess who it was from? (Okay, you've probably guessed.) Emily! My first thought was: how in the pancake did Emily get my number? And my second thought was: what could Emily POSSIBLY have to text me about!? Well, she was texting me to tell me that she wanted to come to church but that she couldn't because she didn't have a ride. Again, I figured it couldn't hurt to try reaching out, so I offered for my father and I to pick her up.

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