Our True Bff

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Most of us girls right now just want a true bff who we can trust completely, who will be there for us forever. I certainly am. Some of us can delude ourselves into thinking we have one, but no person is perfect. I used to think I had one, her name was Sarah, but she messed up, and a lot of people got hurt(emotionally). Sarah is still one of my closest friends, don't get me wrong. But, it won't ever be complete trust.

 There's an explanation for that. The only person that we can put our complete trust in is...God. No two ways about it. I can tell God anything, and, guess what? He won't tell a soul! (Get it, soul? Lol )

 Now, I don't have a twin,(technically) so I am just guessing. Twins are envied because they feel such a great connnection. I have to admit that I sometimes wish I had a twin, some one who was the same age, enjoyed the same activities as me.

 Although, now that I think about it, my mum would go insane, but still. "The heart wants what the hearts wants." To quote a cheesy,(but true), line. Before I go any further I have to tell anyone reading this that the chapters I am writing a going to be much shorter than most of the other books. I just don't have the concentration, or the responsibility factor.

 But there is good news, I will try to write one of these 'short chapters' every morning in a way to 'sate your thirst.'

 Just for all of you dumbos out there like me, here are translations to txts.

Lol, Laugh out loud :>

Smh, Shaking my head :"

Jk, Just kidding :)

 Unfortunately, I still don't know what Sol, or Awol, means. Any help??? Yeah like I said, I am a dumbo, like, how could I get so out of the 'loop?'

 Umm....So, lets see, don't hate me!

         Loves u guys!

               Charlie Rose :)

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