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I wish I knew what it was that brought you to me.

Looking like a hurricane. Looking like a house on

Fire. Looking like a memory I can't quite place,

With the holes for eyes and the concrete for hands

Looking lovesick, looking hatesick, looking like

You could fold me in half but wouldn't, not when

I'm already so creased. Not when I've already

Dreamed you up, shoulders and everything.

I wish I knew why this all feels so secondhand.

Because I know you. And you know my name.

And when you say it, I hope it hurts. I hope it

Feels like a bruised foot. Like a lump in your

Throat. But here--here, my name is inevitable. And I am undone.

I am gaping wide, and I am thinking, God,

I wasn't supposed to be spiteful. I was supposed to be

Loveful. I was made for soft blue sheets

And that star by my bed that my sister gave me

And for the state of my dreams to mirror my hair.

Here I am thinking, God, I wish I knew why

Everything feels so terribly wrong,

And all so sudden, too. I am thinking my heart

Must be broken, except I can't quite

Figure out the culprit, or if there ever was one, or if

I was just made like this,

With a crack down my middle. With a vase for a heart. 

A/N: i'm sorry this poem is so emo. and that i suck at titles. also all i could think about when i wrote the last stanza was the i was born with glass bones and paper skin meme and now i can't take this poem seriously. enjoy 

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