The Signs In Love

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I've been trying

But the truth of the matter is that I hate

The sound of my own voice.

I've been trying,

But the truth of the matter is that

My heart is not as hard as I thought it was,

As I hoped with all my soul it was.

The truth of the matter is that

You're a paperclip in water

And everything in the whole world is overwhelming.

The brown kiss on your living room table,

That scarf around your sister's headless, naked doll

The depression on the rug from your father's forehead and

His eyes, his eyes, his eyes

An echo of yours, but lighter.

But better.

The truth of the matter is that I'm near to bursting.

It's anxiety. It's sadness.

It's the tap, tap, tap of the faucet

The dead worms in my garden

The single curl of hair in my sink

Your daily horoscope, your fragile Capricorn heart

You remind me of dog-eared pages and just-kissed lips 

Except you don't.

The truth of the matter is that it's original sin.

Can you imagine it?

His eyes his eyes his eyes and

A God who loves you.

A red that isn't blood. A you that isn't you.

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