chapter 8

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Well my boys decided to take me to the mall-_- of course they would think that i love to shop which I do but this mall was like full of all the best stores !!! wait ... why am I complaining ?!? Anyways , Vinny and Mikey have been the best sweethearts ever. Mrs. Fusco gave me $50 when I got Out of her car even doe I inssested that I shouldn't have taken the money, Mikey told me to just take the money. So far I have bought from Aeropostale,Hollister,American Eagle, Wet Seal, Rue 21,PacSun and Vinny and Mikey have bought me so much stuff that my bags are getting ridiculously heavy !

"I think we should eat" Vinny said pointing over to the food court

" Oh yes, I'm hungry !!" I said

" Yeah ! leggo " Mikey said while winking at me

After a long time of discussing on what to eat I won and we ate at Chik-fil-a !! Of Course mikey being the little cutie he is , he payed for all of us

"Thanks for paying Mikey" I said to him while hugging him

"No problem babes" he said... was he... BLUSHING ?!?

"Well I'm hungry so let's eat !!" Vinny yelled

We all laughed while trying to find a table. When we finally found a table and we finished eating it was already 5:00 . Mikey and Vinny really wanted to take me to the board walk so mikey called his mom to come by to pick up our bags, after she left we walked over to the board walk. We walked for a while and saw that,there was a Starbucks and Vinny really wanted to go so we went in and he said " I'll pay guys" he said

" Thanks vinny " I said while hugging him

" No problamo babes " he said

we kept walking and eventually mikey ended up winning me a cute little stuffed gold fish and Vinny won me a cute elephant When we got close to the ocean it was 7:20, Mikey said

"Lets take a picture !!"

"Okkkk" me and Vinny said

we found someone walking by to take a couple of picture for us. We actually ended up with one picture being Mikey kissing one cheek and Vinny the other and me acting surprised,another one was me kissing Mikeys cheek, and another was Vinnys cheek. After that Mikey set a timer on my phone so we could take a picture of the three of us. It was a cute picture with me in between mikey and Vinny,we were all smiling. That was going to be my new lock screen. My new home screen was going to be the picture with Mikey and Vinny kissing my cheeks. Today was a good day.

We went back to Mikeys house for the last 2 hours I had left. we watched some t.v. and ate some ice cream. Then it was time for me and Vinny to leave. We said Good Night and Good bye to Mikey and Left together.

"Kimberly.." I heard Vinny say

"Yeah" I responded

"Do you like Mikey ?" he asked me

" I uhh don't know "

"Oh " was all he said

we got my porch and he said his mom wasn't here yet so. I told him that I was going inside to tell Aunt Sophie that I was outside with him. Aunt Sophie said it was ok.

"Soooo.." Vinny said

"sooo.." I said

" I uhh.." he got cut off by his mom honking the car at him

"Bye babes" I said to him

"Bye" he said. He was half way down the stair when he turned around and kissed me on the cheek and said

" Good Night babes " with a smile on his face

"Good Night" I said back.. when he got in his car I waved and went back inside and said

"Aunt Sophie ,I already ate and I'm really tired I'm just going to go to bed, good night"

"Good Night sweetie, sweet dreams"

I went up stairs and I pushed all the bags from my bed to my closet. I got ready for bed when Mikey texted me

"Look Out your window babessss c;"

I looked out the window and I saw a shirtless Mikey Fusco with a sign that said "Good Night Beautiful xx" I smiled and texted him

"thanks, good night babes c: "

he texted "Good Night Beautiful xx"

Why Me Doe !? ( A Mikey Fusco Love Story )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora