Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Harry’s P.o.v

I’m glad Niall has a girl like Lisa. She’s amazing. She seems kind of quiet though. Knowing me I’ll find it out sooner or later. After we helped unpack everything, I asked Lisa if she wanted to go grab some fish and chips and go to the beach. We both decided to invite everyone else because of the amount work everyone had done today.

When we arrived to the beach, everyone got ready to get in the water. I asked Lisa to stay behind. She agreed to. “Lisa, what’s up? Ever since I met you, you have been so quiet and you always cling to Niall. He is very protective of you for some reason. I want to know that reason. I kind of think that all of the boys are worried.” I asked. She contemplated over it for a bit then spoke. “I’ve only ever told this to Niall…” she rolled up the sleeves of the shirt she was wearing and showed the scars on her arms. “Shit” he said “that’s why.” She said rolling down the sleeves as Niall returned. “You know, don’t you Haz?” he asked. “Yep. I was worried because of the way you protect her. I thought something bad had happened to her for you to be like that” I replied curious. Niall had given Lisa a kiss on the cheek then went back to the car to grab his guitar. When he returned, all us boys started singing to Lisa to cheer her up.

Baby you light up my world like now one else

The way that you flip your hair gets me over whelmed

But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell you don’t know

You don’t know you’re beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You’ll understand why I want you so desperately

Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe

You don’t know you’re beautiful

Lisa’s p.o.v

The boys made my day when they brought all my stuff from my dad’s, but this topped it. I can’t believe that I finally have something good in my life. I haven’t even told the boys that I know how to play a guitar. So, I grabbed the guitar out of my boyfriend’s hand and started playing. “this is one I wrote myself. Don’t judge.” I said as I started playing.

People don’t understand

If you say you love someone

People say you don’t know what love is

But if you say you hate someone

They say good on ya or good for you kiddo

Don’t you just hate it when people

Say one thing and mean another

Sometimes they have said lets go To the movies or something

And then said get stuffed im busy

People don’t understand

If you say you love someone

People say you don’t know what love is

But if you say you hate someone

They say good on ya or good for you kiddo

Sometimes people just don’t do stuff

For the little people like you and me

People just do what they want even if they have kids.

People don’t understand

If you say you love someone

People say you don’t know what love is

But if you say you hate someone

They say good on ya or good for you kiddo

Someday everything is going to be just right

 If people cared about the little people

There would be no wars everyone would

Be happier.

 People don’t understand

If you say you love someone

People say you don’t know what love is

But if you say you hate somone

They say good on ya or good for you kiddo

The person upstairs should be the only person

 who has Control over life and death not us

People don’t understand

If you say you love someone

People say you don’t know what love is

But if you say you hate someone

They say good on ya or good for you kiddo

As I finished, I felt a tear on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see all the boys looking at me with their mouths agape. Niall stands up and walks up behind me, sat down and gave me the biggest hug ever. Since the boys were superstars, the asked me to join the tour that is happening later this year. That means no family and no school work. I am so in.

We finally finished at the beach, so we decided to go out to dinner. Everything was going fine and dandy until my father walked in to the restaurant that the boys and I were in. “um Niall.” I said pointing at the entrance to the restaurant. “Is that your dad Lisa?” he asked. I nodded. “Boys, we need to hide Lisa. So Zayn and Lisa switch places so that he can’t see her. Her dads here.” Niall said to Zayn. Zayn agreed. The plan went off without a hitch. He didn’t know that I was there.

After eating, we went home. The boys watched a movie while Louis and Niall joined me in the pool. Louis cooked us some midnight snacks. We ended up out on the deck till about 3:30am. We chatted about a lot of things.

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