Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


          There was no use asking around to see if Annabelle was in school today. It was clear that she was avoiding my calls. Let her. If she is mad at me for caring about her, then she is going to have to stay that way.

          When Linzie walked by me, she stopped slowly and sighed. “Do you know if Annabelle is in school today?” It was completely clear that she did not want her to be talking to me.

          “No.” Linzie just walked away, miffed that I was of no use to her.

          When classes were out for a lunch break, I called again, trying not feel like I was being a stalker but I was starting to get a little worried. Usually she would at least answer my calls when she could. The whole morning I tried to convince myself that I hadn’t screwed something up, but I was absolutely positive now that I had.

          Annabelle was the only good thing that had happened to me in a very long time. Without her, I would have probably ended up dead. All of the stupid shit I get myself into yet I couldn’t seem to stop. How can you lose something so good? How can you lose something so good when you just realized just how good it really was?

          The bell rang and it was time to go to our lockers. Looking into my locker, I couldn’t even remember what class I had next or what books I already had used. Slamming my locker shut in frustration, I saw Annabelle standing there, her arms crossed over her chest and her lips quivering. It looked as though her eyes were red from tears.

          I reached out a hand to her cheek, but she pushed it a way, the lost look lingering in her eyes. Something had happened to her. I don’t know when or what it was, but it was something.

          “Annabelle, are you ok?” she just nodded her head shortly and slowly. I didn’t know what else to say, even though I didn’t believe her.

          As she turned to walk away, I grabbed her arm to stop her, but she recoiled away from me as if I was poisonous. “Annabelle!” I exclaimed, no longer hiding my frustration. “What’s wrong?” Instead of answering me, she brushed me off further and tried to continue walking.

          “Annabelle,” I said slowly, trying to remain my cool. “What happened?” There was no answer from her. Just that lost stare. “Did someone hurt you?” No response. “I’m not playing a guessing game Annabelle!” Her lip started quivering again and I pulled her into a hug. I was not one to hug, but she was breaking my heart—or what I had left of one.

          She put her hands on my chest and pushed me away. Tears now took the place of the lost look in her eyes. She looked afraid of what she was going to say. “I just need some space.” I wasn’t sure whether to take that as a break up or not, but I felt the need right then for the one drug that I couldn’t have…Annabelle.


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