Gabriel - a short story

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Ahahaha wow, I wrote this when I was 15, ahahahahhahhahahah I read too many classics *sobs* and my writing nowadays is horrible *mourns* I'm not kidding you, I didn't edit this at all for four years *cries an Earth*



To be happy again would be wonderful, but as a wise poet once said, "there is a certain pleasure in weeping." It's like the tide of the ocean beneath subtle moonlight or the ox that languidly pulls his yoke across a field of grain. They seem to never stop, but then suddenly the waves become still and soundless, or the sun hides itself behind the western mountains, thus causing the ox to fall, silent, to his rest.

I weep because my daughter has perished. The comely Joan, perfect in her ways, has touched the frigid hand of Great Demise.

You must understand that I've always lived as a notorious shadow. My Joan was martyred while my name was either cursed or honored for reasons I was oftentimes ashamed of. And because of this indignity, my infamy and Joan's untimely death, I found myself standing atop the tallest building to ask those that watched me: "Why?"

"Why do you not weep for the angel's death? Why do you merely stare, and then walk on to continue with your transgressions, your vanity and fatal fornication?"

Everything is vanity. These beings, these humans, are adulterers and shameless murderers. Do they not know that life is precious? I gave life to my daughter for comfort and for the remembrance of that one human maiden I so foolishly adored, so therefore life is also selfish. These souls are not to be treated poorly, my friend, so in your time you must act kindly. Love the life you're given, even those of others, and perhaps someday we will look back upon these things with joy.

Virgil once said, "For those in misery perhaps better things will follow." He was also the man that said, "Irretrievable time flies."

Yes, I believe that I've been maddened by sorrow and changed of my ways, but perhaps better things will come. My time is of the essence and by endurance, we conquer.

My daughter is dead! Finally that burdensome thing has expired! Though I am also a cursed mutant, Joan was even more so than me. She was my daughter. I had sex with a human woman and even I am the child of a human and a vampire!

Laughter, now. Yes, this is laughter I feel!

Thank you, God, merciful Father, for relieving me from my sorrow! I am no longer maddened. The blind can see and the lame can leap. But why am I capable of thanking God, you ask? Like the humans, my daughter and I have been gifted free will, therefore I adore the Ancient of Days just as I'd so passionately admired my daughter.

I'd once been summoned to Paris, France, but for several hours this troublesome Joan had hindered me. It was my madness that kept me waiting beside her. Madness, yet again, had seized me by the throat and suspended me there like a puppet dressed as the French Pierrot. But I had business in the land of the Franks, so finally I bid my daughter farewell and left her to her charity.

You inquire of my business? I save lives, I love them, but even still I am also one to take them.

If the money is there and the lives are deserving, I will reap their souls with gratitude. This is my duty as Gabriel of Ayr; the shadow of the universal Underground. I used to only hunt the pitiful damned with specialized weapons, but because they were commonly lacking in wealth I turned towards the assassination of the aristocracy and smote them in my bestial ways. They gave me a splendid reward! I would take the money from the dead along with the reward from the current master, and then I'd keep one third of it in a savings and release the remainder as alms.

Why would a man like me need money? Or better yet, why would a conniving fiend like me deserve it? Yes, it's true that I feel some shame for my actions, but what more is a thing like me to do? I can kill the innocent or I can kill the deserving. God helps me make this judgment.

But there are others in this world that want the money, and usually they're just as quick and cunning as me. For example, an elder vampire tried to steal from me while I was in Paris. His name was Gustav--an old acquaintance of mine that I killed before my escape--and he worked for the elder Desiderio.

"Why does the human vampire concern himself with love?" he asked me.

And I told him, "Love is strange to all those akin to you! The only love you feel is towards your spawns and towards your meals. But compassionate love is a human thing. I am human, therefore nothing human is strange to me."

And so I killed him. I took my hand and I thrust it into his chest, seizing his heart so that he could then combust into flames as I know the vampire things should.

Why does this madness name me the schizoid priest? It told me to climb to the tallest building and cast myself from it, but I am no fool, nor was my late father who taught me. So why do I stand here contemplating a life that isn't mine to take? My fate belongs to God.

Many minds have asked me what I wish to achieve in my life, like a father asking of his son what path he wishes to pursue. I tell them that my first goal is to achieve the good grace of God, for it is God that I have to thank for giving me this precious life; a history that'll never end. And then, if they manage to defeat the mocking demons that usually possesses them, I tell them that my second wish is to die by God's omnipotent hand after I complete the task which He hath given me: to assist a certain character that will one day berid this world of the horrid vampire things.

Those that didn't mock me, such as my dearest daughter Joan, sought to understand me further and requested that I tell them more of my ultimate task and promise.

I'd say: I know nothing of this task except that the day will come that a great hand will rise and act as God's second Noah. He'll seize his many waters, the asphyxiating poison, and drown the vampire things in their misery as according to God's will. But O, do not blame these vampire things for their pitiful fates. Their souls, the accursed souls that Satan breathed to life, will receive another history subsequent to their lamentations in Purgatory. This is God's will, I do say, for he told me Himself through His mighty archangel Gabriel.

I know not the date, nor the hour, as I gaze down at my potential demise. But nevertheless, I will continue with my life whilst watching for the signs. Perhaps madness will seize me yet again, perhaps I will be imprisoned by the threats of a technological future, but I know that if God is good, fiat volvntas tua: Let thy will be done.

A note from the author: I know this isn't a voice that most young adults would be able to comprehend, but I didn't think that using dialect similar to characters from, say, Dean Koontz or (haha) Stephanie Meyer would suit a character so old and so incredibly insane. However, I promise you I'll experiment with different voices and perspectives in the future and prove to you that my characters can inherit the dialect of this modern and indolent generation. I hope you enjoyed it!


Yup, I even wrote that note up there when I was 15. This was for a creative writing assignment and I really wanted to impress my teacher. He was an amazing teacher, taught me everything I know, and then one day when I was in the library, he came up to me and told me I was a great writer, except my writing style was too old fashioned and nobody would read it nowadays. Of course, he didn't say it so bluntly, but that was the gist of it. Anyways, since then I've been simplifying my writing style, and I've simplified it so much that it's difficult to make it sound intelligent like this. *sigh* anyways, if you're wondering where Gabriel's story came from, this is it. He was an OC of mine, a halfblood vampire assassin that was slave to the big guys in history, like Napoleon and Mussolini, and probably even Hitler, idk. But yeahh, he was pretty much insane. I think I might bring him back again, though. But he's staying a vampire. 

Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this brief piece of historical fiction :)

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