Chapter Fourteen

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"Then what happened?!"

"Calm down April, I was literally just about to tell you. Anyways, the rain stopped, he woke me up, and we walked home. The end."

"So basically what you're trying to tell me is that you guys aren't married yet?" I roll my eyes and throw a Skittle at the girl, but April being her strange self she catches it in her mouth and smiles.

"Um, no. What I'm trying to tell you is I think he wants to be best friends again."

At that moment April grabs a pillow off of my bed and begins to hit me with it, every new word equaling another hit.

"How many times to I have to run it through your thick head? He likes you Ari." I shrug, and don't correct her on her use of my name. I was fine with Ari, because ever since Shawn and I patched our relationship together, I'm turning back into the old Ari that I was before.

"I don't know. After all, he doesn't show it."

"Doesn't show it?!"I watch as April fans herself, before falling onto my bed, wiping imaginary tears off her face.

"Just join theater already." I say, and she gives me a wink before clapping her hands.

"So, have you decided on what you're wearing for tonight? The theme is winter." Tonight was The Twist, and I was anything but prepared for it.

"I think I'm wearing that snowflake shirt and those leggings." I tell her, and April nods. Being the fashionista she is, I rarely go anywhere without her approval on my outfit. I used to do it to mock her, but now it's just become second nature.

"Smart choice. I'm wearing a snowman shirt with leggings. Is your hair going to be up or down?" She asks, and I toss my hair to the side.

"High ponytail. Moving on, have you heard where the mistletoes are supposed to be?" The Twist had a specialty for placing mistletoes in areas you wouldn't expect, and I really didn't want to be stuck under one.

"Kitchen light, when you open the cabinet in the dining room, under the backyard tree, the bedroom with the light brown door, and one other place, but I don't remember where." I nod my head, and gasp when I see the time.

"It's six, we have an hour."

"Fashionably late is always top priority." April states, and waves goodbye before leaving the house and going home to get ready.

Now, any person would be wondering how my parents were going to let me go to some Highschool party from seven pm to midnight. Well, Trevor's family is the most trusted family in the neighborhood, and my mom loves Trevor. Plus, there is literally no alcohol there. Shocker, I know, but someone us crazy teenagers can survive a night without getting drunk. Actually, a lot of people I knew couldn't stand that taste of alcohol, and I was one of them.

I pull out my shirt and leggings, and start to get ready. After an hour I've finally finished, not bother to put much makeup on. I say goodbye to my parents before walking outside and sitting at the front, waiting for April.

"Hey." I turn around to face who else, but Shawn Mendes.

"Oh, hey. Are you going?" I ask, pointing to his reindeer shirt. He nods, and thankfully April sprints outside to cut this conformation short, because it was getting awkward. After all, I couldn't stop thinking about what he said that day, when he thought I was asleep.

"Hey Shawn! Bella, are we going, or are you two going to flirt all day?" I roll my eyes playfully and Shawn smiles at me, before starting to walk away.

"Wait, Shawn," April calls out, "why don't you walk with us? It's not far, and anyways, this town can't get any smaller."

He shrugs and nods, and we all begin to walk together. It's not long until we reach Trevor's house, and I can already tell that this party would be what everyone would be talking about for a few months.

"Hey, Bella, you finally made it! I thought parties weren't your thing!" I turn my head to face Trevor, and smile. Trevor was honestly really nice, and I thought of him as a brother.

"Yeah, well I guess I changed my mind. It looks great, by the way."

"Thanks! Did you guys bring your confetti shooters?" We all nod, each of us holding one from The Dollar Store.

"Here, take a glow stick. You'll need it, believe me." All of us take one, and I thank him, not knowing what would go down in that house.

"Alright, go on in there! I have to go talk to Amber, we kind of have to talk." I smile, and give Trevor a hug. He's been crushing on Amber for a while, and he finally has the guts to ask her out.

"See ya!" I say, and turn to face Shawn and April, only to find them gone. Withal a house this big, it was going to take forever to find them, and I sucked at finding things. Seriously. Not once did I ever find Waldo without the help of someone else.

"Bella!" I turn around to face Jane, and give her a bright smile, wrapping her in a hug.

"Jane! Oh my gosh, how are you?"

"Great, ever since I broke up with Mark." I gasp, as if this was all news to me. Ashley told me all about the breakup a week ago, and I couldn't care less.

"Congrats! Honestly, none of us every liked him anyways, he was way too clingy for his own good."

"That's what I was saying! I was all like, Mark, you're cute and all, but you've got issues, and I'm not sticking around to deal with them." She begins to giggle and I joined along.

"Good for you! Anyways, it was nice seeing you, but I've got to find April. I hear she's going out with Chase, and I've got to know if this is true. Bye!" I give her a brief hug and walk away. Honestly, I made that rumor up off the top of my head. But April did kind of deserve it for trying to push me with Shawn, and it'll only be news for about an hour anyways.

"April!" I yell, and she turns around to face me. As I walk towards her in relief, something odd happens, and right before I reach her I hear a loud, ear piercing scream.

And then all the lights shut off.

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