Chapter Eleven

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"I can't believe you actually like vanilla ice cream." I roll my eyes and pay the cashier, ignoring April's comment. Going to the usual booth I always went in, I sit down, waiting for the others to join me.

"Remember when that one guy asked me out at this booth in freshman year, and when I said no he called me ugly?" I smile, recalling how my friend Ashley yelled at him for a solid ten minutes, making him apologize right after in front of his friends. I told April right after it happened, and she didn't stop talking about it all throughout that year.

"Who?" April asks, trying to remember.

"Probably someone blind." I turn my head to face Shawn, and don't both commenting on April's eyebrow raise. She looked like that smirking emoji, and I tried my best not to roll my eyes. Shawn and I were friends and nothing more. Friends complement each other like that.


"I bet he was temporarily blind when I threw my milkshake at his face. It was a waste, I know, but the look on his face and all his friend's faces were priceless." I change the topic as quick as possible, noticing some red on Shawn's cheeks.

We start to eat our ice cream in silence, before the door opens, and Devin walks into the store, his followers not far behind him. Devin was the player you read about in those sappy romance novels. He got at least something from every single girl in school, from a kiss on the cheek to them getting in bed together. The only people he hasn't even gotten a compliment from was me. And that was because I absolutely despised Devin. I couldn't stand to be in a conversation with him, and he made it his personal goal to make me his next victim.

"Bella, Bella, Bella, nice seeing you here today." I give him a disgusted look and roll my eyes.

"I can't say the same."

"Of course you can't, you're on a double date. Who am I to intrude?" I knew this move of his. Someone was going to say that he couldn't do math and he would reply with that yes, he can, because he was joining us.

"I'm sorry that you can't count Devin, and actually, we were just leaving." I give him a fake smile and grab my purse, then getting up. As Shawn gets up and I turn to face April, I feel an arm wrap around my waist, and I groan. Before I can rip his arm off me though, Shawn starts to speak.

"Get off of her."

"What are you, her boyfriend?" He smirks, knowing that I don't date. I pull him off of me and grab Shawn's hand, giving Devin a smile.

"So what if he is?" That leaves Devin speechless. I wave and walk out of the shop, ice cream in once hand and Shawn's hand in the other. Once we're out of Devin's sight I let go of his hand, and apologize.

"Sorry, that was probably really weird. I promise I think we're friends, just I knew that if I said that it would leave his mouth open and he wouldn't have anything to say. Devin may be a player, but he stays away from girl's who aren't single. Seriously though, thanks for playing along. This is why you're my friend." I give him a smile and lick from my ice cream, then looking back at Shawn. For just a second it looks like he's disappointed, but he quickly changes his expression into a smile.

"Right. No problem." His words seem forced, but I don't question it. Maybe he forgot something at the shop? Before I can ask, April coughs and changes the subject.

"So, are you guys going to the Summer Dance?" I shrug, and Shawn looks slightly confused.

"It's this dumb dance in the summer that juniors go to with a pretty lame theme."

"First off, it's not dumb. Second, you two are going whether you like it or not. And theme this year is masquerade, so don't even try telling me you find that lame." April stares me down and I shrug, not wanting to lie. I had to admit, a masquerade was pretty cool, and I may have even been considering about going for a second.

"Isn't it in a month?" I ask. Summer had just started, and the dance was near the middle of vacation.

"Yeah, but time flies by fast. A month will past before you know it, and then you and Shawn will start dating, because I seriously ship it." One thing about April is that she speaks her mind, no matter what was on it. It was a blessing and a curse, to be completely honestly, and judging by the red in Shawn's cheeks, it was a curse at the time.

"Shawn and I are just friends." I wish I had said it the way I wished I would, strong and sure of my self. However it sounded more like a question, and thankfully when I turned to face the brown-eyed boy, it didn't look like he noticed.

"Is that true Shawn? Anything you want to say?" April looks at him, and for a moment I wonder what's even going on. I wanted to kill April, that was for sure. But I was also slightly, slightly curious in how Shawn would answer. However the voice that I hear next does not belong to him, but instead an unfamiliar voice.

"Oh my gosh, you're Shawn Mendes. Okay, wow. I saw you like two weeks ago and almost walked up to you but I'm kind of a super shy person. And then I mentally stabbed myself because I just missed the chance of a lifetime. But here you are! Okay, I'm talking way too much- Can I get a picture?" I smile at the girl. She looked around fourteen, and had long black hair.

Shawn stares at both of us and I see the girl's eyes widen. "If this is a bad time, I can go."

"No, it's fine! What's your name?" I see the girl's face relax and start to smile, wondering how she feels right now.

"Nora. It's seriously so nice to meet you, I'm a huge fan." I see her pull out her phone and get on the camera, then taking a quick photo and putting her home away.

"Thank you so much, and I promise I won't bother you guys anymore." I watch they hug and Nora walks away, then pulling out her phone. I hear her speak to the person she was calling and smile, noticing no one else heard her.

"Well I'm glad to say that I can die happy now because I kind of just met Shawn freaking Mendes."

"That was adorable." April says, ignoring the fact she was probably three years younger than us. I nod my head and so does Shawn.

After talking about how happy Nora looked for a few minutes, we reach our neighborhood, and Shawn stays still for a moment before his face lights up, and I know that he has an idea.

"Guys, we should look through my basement!" If anyone wanted to see memories, Shawn's basement was the place to go. It was stacked with pictures, toys, and other things from our childhood that both Shawn and I shared.

"I would, but I have dance class in an hour, and I've got to get ready. See you guys tomorrow though!" I nod and we both wave as April walks over to her house.

"So," I say, facing Shawn, "ready to dig up some embarrassing throwback photos?"

yay I updated bless up

also: if you're wondering what all the hype ab Nora is, check her out in her vry own Shawn ffs, Hotel Midnight and Travel! Travel is new and you don't even have to read hotel midnight to read travel, so once ur done reading this book go ahead and slide into Nora's dms and see what they hype is on!

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