Letter #14

167 16 7

July 23, 2013.

Hello. Long time no write. I don't really have an excuse as to why I haven't wrote anything. I've just been doing nothing but being lazy and listening to music non stop. 

I don't really have too much to talk about so I guess I'll come up with topics as I go.


One topic that stands out to me a lot is depression. Recently I've seen so many instagram accounts and tumblr blogs dedicated to their depression. There's nothing wrong with that. If posting how they feel helps them cope then that's fine. What's not okay is when people do it only for attention. That bugs the crap out of me because depression, self harm, eating disorders, all of that stuff is nothing to joke about. Lately, I've just been finding all these sad accounts and commenting on their pictures telling them that I'm here for them because If I can help at least one person, then I'm happy.

Okay, changing the subject.

I'm scared for my future. I've been thinking about my career for when I get older but I'm kind of afraid of how everything will turn out.

I want to be a photographer/author/singer. I can definately take singer out of that because I know that will never happen. 

My friend and I plan to move to New York together and rent an apartment. We're both going to go to college there and see what happens. I still don't know what I want to go to college for but that's okay, I'm still young.

I'm gonna be a freshman! I'm so excited but yet I feel so old.

Well, that's just life. You grow up and then you die.

Anyways, have a good night dear friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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