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My whole body shook with belligerence and hatred. How dare she bring him to our home? The metallic tinge of blood still lingered on my taste buds. I hoisted myself off of the couch and went to the bathroom. “Let’s see the damage.” I examined my face in the mirror. A blotchy, purple tinted bruise had started to form where Blaine had hit me. I groaned. “People are going to ask so many questions at work” I thought. “Questions that I don’t think I’m prepared to answer.”

I washed away the dried blood from my face and tidied up. “Should I just call in sick?” I thought helplessly. I looked and felt like a steaming pile of crap, so why even bother? I decided to go to work rather than wallow in self-pity and misery. I searched for my briefcase, and finally, went to work.

After an awfully grueling commute, I finally arrived at work. I spotted Kesina typing feverishly at her desk.

“Oh Peter, there you are!” She beamed. “I’ve been waiting for… what happened to your face?!

I flashed a weary smile. “I got into a fight… sorry, but I forgot your cookies.” She rushed to my side and cupped my face, inspecting it with great scrutiny.

“The cookies?! You’re worried about the cookies?!” She said, her voice now shrill. “Peter, I don’t give a damn about cookies! What happened to you?”

“Vivian and I broke up. She cheated,” I said quietly. “Her new boyfriend and I got into a… disagreement. She brought him to our house and hell nearly broke loose.”

“What? That bitch!” Kesina said, letting go of my face.  “Want me to teach her a lesson?”

“Kesina, calm down,” I said sternly “After dating me, Vivian knows the ins-and-outs of the law. She’ll sue the hell out of you.”

 She groaned, obviously not content with this turn of events. “That’s true…but you have to do something!” Kesina whined. “Don’t let her walk all over you!”

I paused. “You mean revenge? I’m not doing that.”

“What?! Now is not the time to be all righteous Pete,” She exclaimed. “She cheated. Now is the time for retribution.”

“I know!” I yelled. “I…I know...”

“Then what are you gonna do?” She prodded.

“I guess… I’m going to live well.”


“That’ll be my revenge. I’m gonna live well without her.” I said simply “Don’t think I haven’t thought about payback. I’ve thought hard about this all morning. The best thing to do is move on with my life.”

The fire in Kesina’s eyes immediately extinguished.

“If that’s what you want…”

“It is.” I said with a sense of finality. “Now. I’m going to prepare for the next trial. The court date is Thursday, correct?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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