Too Ambitious

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Peter’s POV 

 This was probably the most nerve-wracking thing I have ever done. I had been planning on proposing for months, and I just KNEW Viv was the girl for me.

 I had decided to propose to her at the beach, since that’s where I had first met her, two years prior. (I accidently hit her in the head with a Frisbee, but that’s another story.) The sun had just started to sink into the horizon, so I knew it was time to make my move. I got down on one knee and proposed.

I anxiously scanned my girlfriend’s face for approval. Vivian stared at me, mouth agape and completely immobile. Why wouldn’t she say anything?

Finally, Vivian woke from her stupor and gently closed the box.

“Sorry, Pete…. but no. I can’t marry you,” She uttered distantly. “That’s what I wanted to tell you… I want to break up. I’m moving out of our house.”

 My eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. She was rejecting me?

“B-but why?” I choked, slowly getting up from the ground. “I… I thought we had something special…”

Vivian’s brown eyes suddenly flashed with pure malevolence. She gave me a somber, hate filled glance.

 “Why? Surely you must know,” Vivian sneered. “A smart man like you MUST be capable of figuring it out.”

“Viv, I don’t understand, please, where did I go wrong?”  I pleaded.  “I’ll fix it, dear, please! Whatever I did wrong, I’ll fix it!”

The malice in her eyes vanished, and it was replaced with a look that could only be described as apathy.

“Peter… besides today, when was the last time we had quality time together?” Vivian prodded.

I paused.  She did have a point. I’m a lawyer by profession, and I have at least a fifty-hour workweek. That doesn’t even include the times when I have to work late.  Vivian capitalized on my momentary silence.

“Hah! See?! Even you don’t remember, Pete!” She raved. “I-I just can’t do this anymore! Half of the time you aren’t around, because you’re too busy working on some new court case! You NEVER make ME a priority. Do you realize how many dates or events you’ve cancelled?! I’m sick of it.”

“So wait,” I rationalized, desperately trying to make sense of the situation. “You’re dumping me because I have AMBITION?”

“No. I’m dumping you because you’re a workaholic, and you would be crappy husband and father,“ Vivian roared viciously. “I don’t want a loveless marriage. Plus, you’re horrible in the bedroom.”

At this point my jaw literally dropped. Not only did this woman stomp all over my heart, she had to go THERE too? 

“I’m done with you, Peter. I’ll pick up my belongings later this week.”

With that, Vivian Fortier turned on her heel and marched off of the beach and out of my life.

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