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"We're going to the cinema.", Irene came from your kitchen with a cup of tea.

It had been two days since the incident with Taehyung. Obviously you had spent the past days crying, it got to the point that your eyes were aching already. But not comparable to the painful sting in your heart. The girls; Wendy, Amber and Irene had come the past days to look after you.

"You've been a mess long enough now. ", Amber agreed to Irene sipping on her cup.

"Okay then, get dressed!", Wendy nodded at you.

You were still in your pyjamas, hair in a bun and no make up on. Taking a shower was the right decision now, so you took the risk to let them wait. Long. For so long that they might get angry. And your presentiment was confirmed when the banging on the bath room door was disturbing your singing.

Finally you were on your way to the cinema. The girls were trying their hardest to make you laugh, but it was so so difficult. Seriously, your world felt shattered. You didn't know how to move on you were all about fighting for him but after what he said you were too shy to do anything. Additionally the girls agreed that it would be better now for you to get some distance. You had tried that for a year. Maybe emigrating would be an option?

The cinema was full, so many people decided to go to the cinema this evening. Luckily you got seats in the back, but that was really pure luck. After you had gotten the popcorn and soft drinks you went to look for your seats. They were found quickly and because you came quite early to get some tickets you had over 15 minutes until the film.
The girls were talking about the trailer they had seen and informed you what the film was about. Soon you drifted off, not listening to their conversation anymore.

It was dark and the lights were dimming when suddenly a couple sat down right in front of you. Hearing her giggle gave you goosebumps. Taehyung and Krystal.
Why on earth was that happening right now?
You looked over to the girls but they seemed deepened into their popcorn and the film so they didn't notice the scene right in front of you.

This was what you got for being a bad human being towards Jimin. Flashback of Taehyung telling you that it was after your 4 months anniversary in the cinema when Krystal sat right beside you and decided she wanted to give Taehyung the ultimatum: Her or you.

Krystal was leaning on his shoulder, putting her hand on his thigh. He responded by putting a kiss on her forehead. You felt your blood pumping and your vision getting blurry. Now you couldn't concentrate on the film, your eyes were watching them instead. Talking, giggling and kissing. You really started to wonder what he was doing. Again he cheated, but now he had cheated on Krystal. Even though you tried to force yourself to hate him and think of him as a always cheating asshole - you couldn't. There was this feeling in the depths of your heart which was pulling you to him and you were sick of rebelling against it. It was a fact. There was no way you could get over him.

He looked happy having Krystal around him. But why was he happy when you had spent the night together? It was seriously the most beautiful night you've ever had, even better than the ones in your time being a couple. For you it had felt that there were much more feelings involved than ever, every kiss was so passionate and you really felt his love. The question whether you or Krystal made him happier aroused your head and by the way he had hugged you, looked at you and kissed you - you felt so sure that it was you. But now they were sitting in front of you and he seemed genuinely happy.

It was about the middle of the film when they started to quiet down. Krystal was focusing on the film now and Taehyung seemed to be focused too at first but soon later you noticed him doing something on his phone. Your phone vibrated suddenly but luckily no one had heard it. You grabbed it out of your purse to see that you had received a message from Taehyung. Confused you looked at him, his body seemed stiff. And he was continously checking out his phone. Krystal didn't seem to notice.

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