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When you arrived at home you went straight into your bed. Crawling together, being the mess as always. You looked over to the trash bin which was filled with the little notes. It was an idea of Irene to start making notes to yourself for a year, in order to get over Taehyung. It didn't really help much but reading it months later made you feel kind of comfortable. You wondered about writing notes again but decided not to. What if Jimin found them and saw that you still were not over your ex? After a year? Not really a good idea.

Life seemed senseless even though you had many reasons to be happy. However the most important person in your life made you unhappy. That was a fact. Without realising it your eyes closed and again you fell asleep.
It was a weird dream. You were tamed in a cage full of letters and photos. Whenever you bowed down to pick up one of the letters or photos, two hands grabbed you harshly from behind. However you didn't give up in trying to pick them up causing the hands to hurt you even more. A little scream escaped your mouth before you woke up being all sweaty.

It's been almost a week since the last time you had talked to Taehyung. Back in the days you always made up at least one day after the fight. It was always him appearing in front of your door, holding roses in his hands. Of course you always forgave him immediately so you never spoke about the problem again. It occurred time by time that you continued to argue over and over the same topic. But in the end, when he appeared in front of your door it meant: let's forget it.

Irene had brought you a few dresses so you decided to try them on. They went from sexy to cute to casual. Irene was without any doubt the fashion queen, and she got many clothes from her mother for free who was a designer.

It was 5 pm already when your door bell rang. Jimin? Irene? Amber? No one. You looked around but there was no one. As you were about to close the door you saw a rose laying on the floor with a blue post it on it. The post it was empty. You were sick of it that's why you're instinct suddenly made you run towards the front door to stop the person, probably Taehyung, from terrorising you.

Many people were walking on the street and you in only a top and short pants in the beginning of March caused a lot of attention. Not that you cared anyway.
You walked around, looking for him everywhere but he seemed to be disappeared. Maybe it wasn't him all along? But who could it have been then? You continued to walk around, still having that little sparkle of hope to find Taehyung and scream at him for not leaving you alone. It was cold and soon you felt like an idiot.

You were about to turn around and leave when a jacket was thrown over you. Out of shock you turned around immediately seeing a male figure quickly distancing from you. He was not wearing a jacket. Quickly you ran towards him, stumbling now and then because of those many people. That guy was fast.
Finally you had reached him and tapped on his shoulder. He didn't seem to notice and continued on walking. You tapped again, this time a bit violently but again he kept on walking. Oh, so he was playing the 'ignore' game. Not seeing another way you grabbed him by his shoulders making him stumble a little bit. You walked over to face him.

There had been that feeling that it was Taehyung but somehow you didn't really believe it. But now you could see it, that it really had been Taehyung. His expression was shocked first but then changed to pissed in seconds.
He was waiting for you to say something but you just stared at him with your mouth open, still shivering.

"Put on the jacket.", he nodded at his jacket in your hands.

You tried to give him his jacket back but he didn't bother to take his hands out of his pants pockets.
It took him quite a while to realise you wouldn't put the jacket on and that's when he decided to do it by himself. He took the jacket out of your reached out hands and stepped behind you to put the jacket on you. You resisted at first but you could say that he kind of forced you to put it on.

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