1. Inspect Element

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Hello friend, It's been a while since I've talked to you.

There's no way you missed anything though, you've been with me since the beginning.

It's been a year and six months since The Revolution started. People have been relieved of their dept and big conglomerates are struggling to put back together what's left of their companies built on stolen money. Fsociety barely meets up these days but Darlene stops by every now and then. I still don't know where Tyrell Wellick is or what happened while I was with him.

I still see Mr. Robot these days. Occasionally he makes smart remarks about what we--what I did but other times he's helpful but most of the time he's quiet. I have a new job as a tech for the search engine, Bing. Its ok, work is work really. Life has gone pretty much back to normal, nothing crazy just normal; my new normal anyway.

Shayla's old apartment went back up for rent late last year. None of the new tenants stayed long, 3 months at the most but nothing permanent until 4 and a half months ago. A girl moved in next door.

Maeve, Maeve Tiegan.

I wasn't home when she moved in but it took no time to get a read on her. Hacking her Facebook was simple even though she deleted it. In her profile picture she has long curly black hair and she wore mostly dark tight clothing. Contrary to her more recent pictures on Instagram where she has light brown hair and more colorful flowing clothing.

She's an artist and based on the comments under her pieces she's a good one. She sells her art online and has gallery shows from time to time according to her Facebook pictures. She has few friends, just under a hundred. Before the account was deactivated, her most frequently messaged friends were a girl named Lilly and a guy, Khane. From the amount of pictures, she has to be her bestfriend. I checked her Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and a separate website by the name of Wanderlong Arts, where she sells her art of different kinds--drawings mostly.

Almost every week night when I get home from work I find a hot plate of food covered in plastic wrap at my door.

I get off the train and start toward the exit. Walking briskly along the dimly lit New York City streets I avoid even coming close to bumping in to the people that surround me. When I reach the chipping red painted steps of my apartment building, jog up the steps and as I walk inside, I pull my keys out of my pocket. I raise my hand to my door knob and start to insert the key when Maeve, my new neighbor, opens her door and steps out with a paper plate of food covered with saran wrap in hand. She stops short and looks up at me with her hazel eyes. I feel my eyes widen as I glance over into hers before I look back down at the ground to keep from staring. She rocks slightly on her heels and guides a strand of her curly brown hair out of her face.

"This is for you." She pauses and offers the plate to me. I look it over. From what I can tell it's a lot like the meals she's left me since she moved in. This one is penne pasta in a cream sauce with shrimp and a sprinkle of Parmesan on top.

Her meals have literally reminded me that I have to eat for the past couple of weeks with the amount of work that I've had to do for Bing.

"You're the one who's been..." I begin searching for the words.

"The food's good, thank you." I carefully take the plate.

Maeve crosses her arms beneath her chest making her white shirt cling closely to her body. Her kimono hangs around her loosely making her appear even smaller that she is. She nods, turns and opens her apartment door. Out of the corner of my eye I see something exit her apartment. She looks down. A chunky brown and white cat with vibrant blue eyes runs its body across her legs.

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