No more tattoos!

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 A/N: This one goes to @1Dwanter:  Harry gets a tattoo when Zayn says no and Harry tries to hide it when he comes home but Zayn eventually finds out & spanks him.

Harry's POV: 

    "Zayn, can we go somewhere today?" I asked. "Sorry Haz, I have to work. "Ok, well can I go by myself?" I asked hoping he would say yes. "Well, where are you going?" Zayn asked curiously. "Umm, I was going to get some milk, eggs, get another tattoo, get some shoes, get-" I was interrupted by Zayn.  "Woah, no more tattoos!" Zayn says sternly. "No Harry, I mean it." Zayn strickly says. "Fine." I mumbled. "I'm going out still." I said as I was heading out the door. "If you get another tattoo, you're gonna be in trouble." Zayn warned. "I won't!" I insisted. I left and went straight to the tattoo disobeying Zayn completely. I got a tattoo that says "You rule" with a peace sign. Luckily, it was by my shoulder and my shirt covers it. I get out of the tattoo shop and all of a sudden "MORE TATTOOS HARRY?" "WOW ANOTHER TATTOO?" "OMG, HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE?" I ran away as quickly as possible praying this hasn't gone anywhere yet. "Hey Haz." Zayn called as I got inside. "Hi." I mumbled. "So did you get the milk & eggs you were talking about?" Zayn asked. Crap. "Oh, I just decided to go for a walk instead." I said. With that, I went upstairs. 

 Zayn's POV:

    "Lads, i'm going out to the store!" I announced. "Ok!" Everyone yelled back. I drove to the store and one magazine caught my attention. "HARRY STYLES ONCE AGAIN GETS ANOTHER TATTOO?!" was the cover of this magazine. He lied. I  angrily took the magazine and paid for it getting out as soon as possible. I was so angry in Harry. I called Harry up before I went inside. "He-ello?" Harry said. "So, you said you didn't get another tattoo, hm?" I asked trying not to sound angry. "Yeah, I didn't." Harry lied. "We'll see about that." I said and hung up. I went inside and upstairs to Harry's room. I didn't even bother to knock. "What the hell?!" Harry yells. "Watch your language mister!" I warn. "What's this?!" I said as I shoved the magazine in Harry's face. "Uh, rumors!" Harry insisted. "Please." I said. "You dilerbirty disobeyed me when I said NO!" I said angrily. "I can do what I want." Harry mumbled. "Oh really." I grabbed Harry and pulled him right over my lap."So tell me again, did you get a tattoo?" I said ready to start the spanking. "Nope." Harry said popping the p. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK.  "OK, I DID!" Harry finally said. "Took you long enough Harold." I said grabbing the hairbrush. Harry winced. "Please, not the hairbrush!" Harry begged. "If you didn't lie, it would be over but since you decided to lie, you'll get the hairbrush." I told Harry sternly. With that I started. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. "PLEASEE, I'MMM SOR-RYYY!" Harry cried. I put the hairbrush down and cuddled Harry for a while till he stopped crying. I picked Harry off my lap and got a pair of sweats for him to wear. "Come on Haz, we're going to get that tattoo removed." I said grabbing Harry's hand. Harry was about to argue but I gave him a look that told him to shut up or he'll get spanked again. We got to the doctor and gladly removed Harry's tattoo. "Shh, you're ok, you did great!" I praised the younger lad. "Come on, let's go get some food eh?" I asked. Harry nodded and we brought up food for everyone.

  A/N: HEYY UPDATED AGAINN! THIS GOES TO @1Dwanter !! @monkeyfan27 you'll be next but you need to explain more what you want b/c I didn't really understand the whole thing! sorry!!<3 anyway please vote/comment/ideas! 10 votes with 10 nice comments with maybe ideas i'll update or if i'm bored, i'll update maybe a little later (it's 10:23 pm) right now so maybe at 11:30 idkk haha anywayyyy comment pleaseee & voteee & ideasss thank yaaaa my little sunshinesss byeeee xo

Jenna Payne xo


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