Chapter Eighteen--The Jungle

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The smell of moist dirt, moss and old water penetrated my nose, awaking me from the deep sleep I had been in. Warm, humid air suffocated me and flies buzzed around my closed eyes.

I knew I should have been panicking--but something was off. I was relaxed...too relaxed. My thoughts kept trying to tell me something, but then it would just fall away like a distant dream.

I wanted to sleep more, but I knew that I needed to wake up. Where am I? What happened to me? Was this Dr. Niles doing?

Sitting up and opening my eyes, I observed where I was. It was a small hut, composed of tree branches, mud and giant leaves. There was a small canteen of water on a rugged table along with a small scrap of paper and a backpack. There was a window looking outside--it showed thick, dense jungle.

Before standing, I tried to piece together my last moments. Alex and I had gone to New York City. We needed money, I dressed as a prostitute...then?

Oh, wait. Then someone had tried to rape me--I killed them. Shivering, I remember the way my heel crunched into their neck.

Focus. After that, Dr. Niles voice said, "Very well done, Drew. Very well done."

I found him, along with Alex who had been crying for me, behind some shadowy stairs. Then he had tazered me--after that it was blank.

Why the fuck was I in a jungle?

Groaning, I stood up while my head became dizzy and heavy. My cheek had imprints of the grounds foliage; I had probably been here quite a while. Looking at my feet, which were comfortably encased in combat boots, I realized that my street walker getup was gone.

Who had done this? Dr. Nile?

The table also had some blood splatters dotted on it, which made me think: Is Alex in danger? My last attempt to save him was an epic fail, but if he needed saving this time I would be all for it. But first I needed to drink.

I grabbed the canteen of water and chugged, the lukewarm of it tasting as good as spring water. Next was the note, written on old, crumpled paper:

"If you are reading this, you must have survived the surgery,"

SURGERY? I gasped before moving on.

"I've placed you here in hopes that you will become stronger with the long journey ahead of you. First, follow the map placed in the bag. You will need it to find Alex. Second: beware. I do not want you getting permanently damaged, and if you survive this, you have a good surprise awaiting you. Have fun!"

I knew immediately that the note was from Dr. Nile. He had Alex; he wanted me to go and get him. I knew that it was probably a trap, that he just wanted to test me...but I wanted Alex. I needed him--I wanted him to be safe. I could save him.

Snarling at the paper, I threw it to the ground and picked up the backpack. It was light and contained some beef-jerky, water, granola bars and the map.

The map was laminated and new, smelling of plastic. It was obviously made especially for me: my name was printed across the top and it only showed forest with no sign of the country or continent. A compass was tied to one corner...but on the back of it was a small note, stuck on by mud.

Carefully ripping the paper off the compass, I unfolded it. It was only about the size of my hand--and it was from Alex.

"D, I don't have much time. Dr. Nile is going to do something to us, IDK what. He's taking me North; wants to show me something. Please be strong, don't come for me. I'll come for you, wherever you are.

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