Chapter Two.

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Anissa sat stiffly in the dining room. She didn't know why he had invited Gavin over for breakfast. He didn't even think to inform her. She hated the pair. It was not that Gavin was unattractive. With him standing a good foot over her, his blond hair, broad shoulders and chest with high cheekbones, he was every lady's fantasy but he disgusted her and she despised him.

She just didn't see him that way and well there was nothing she could do. The only person she thought could help her was dead. Her father had killed Draven West. A man who had done nothing wrong. She somehow felt safe and secure the only time they had been together. A bitterness filled her mouth, the poor man. Oh Allah just when I thought I'd be free off my father's clutches.

All over the news, the Chief of Police had gone missing and his entire family had been found dead. She cried and prayed for his soul in the privacy of her room. She knew he thought she was an accomplice that was why he strangled her. He had no right to do that to her but she didn't blame him. She hoped her father would pay for every family he had hurt in the past.

"Why are you so tense, sweet cheeks?" Gavin smiled cheekily at her. She knew he was only with her because of her father's wealth which would be given to any man she married as her father thought women were not meant to be given that kind of opportunity.

"I'm fine. " Anissa replied only because her father was there. She would have ignored him. She bet he had been screwing someone just before coming here.

In the middle of their meal, her father excused himself to receive a phone call. She ignored Gavin and continued with her meal. Concentrating hard on her meal.

"Why don't you take that ugly thing off your head? I'm going to be your husband and I still don't know the colour of your hair. " He scowled stroking her hair the creepy way her father always did. She flinched when he touched her.

"Get off me. You sicko!" She jerked back glaring at him. She matched his death glare. She was actually contemplating running away now.

"Ha, bitch! You do know when we get married I'll get to see every inch of skin you've been hiding from me. I can't fucking wait to feel your cunt around my cock!" He had a sick excitement in his voice, his whisper was slurry. Didn't he understand they were having a meal? God, why was she even in his presence? Her religion didn't allow her to this. God, if not for her father and his connections....

She was offended by his crude remarks and she would kill herself before he laid a finger on her.

Anissa laughed like seriously laughed. Did he really think she was going to let a loser like him touch her?

"You're funny if you think we're even going to sleep in the same room?" She informed him, ignoring the frown on his face. She wouldn't lie he looked adorable but his cheating and his vile words didn't make him worth anything to her.

"Anissa, you're a fucking spoiled brat. I'll teach you to behave when we're together. " He said in a promising tone squeezing her thigh under the table making her gasp and slap his hand away.

"God help you!" She spat. "I'll rather keep myself clean, who knows what diseases you've caught." She only say in that chair because of her father, otherwise she'd not be anywhere near him.

Before Gavin could retort, her father returned.

"I see you guys are getting along." He sent a look their way as he took his seat.

"Yes. Im beggining to aniticipate Anissa as my wife. " Gavin smiled at her father. She wanted to gag. That smile was so secretive. They knew something she didn't.

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