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"Kevin," I began as I met him downstairs, "would you mind if I... Take her stuff with me? I know it seems-
"Of course you can. It's not like it will ever have much use again... I'm an old man now." He frowned as he placed his newspapers back on the coffee table and waddled over to me.
I sighed, before giving him another hug.
"Thank you. If you ever need anything, give my mom or me a call."

At home I ran past my parents and into my bedroom.
Running up to my bed I got on my knees, and began pushing the box under the big frame of my bed.
"What do you think your doing?" I heard my mother from my doorway.
"What's in the box?"
"Books. From the library." I said quickly.
"Hm. When did you become a reader?" She asked with suspicion.
"I just... Woke up and felt ready to read." I said as I pulled up a smile.
She raise her eyebrow, "your father and I are heading to the town meeting. We will be discussing when we are planning on taking down that castle. We will be back around 8 tonight."
"What?! Mom," I began as I jumped up to my feet, "don't. When are they going to take it down..."
"Probably by this week. Well, not a probably. Definitely."
My blood froze.
"Rose, stop."
"No, mom. Edward lives up there! Why doesn't anyone care?"
"He was a psycho man who died 80 years ago. You need to grow up, and stop with these fairytales. Look, Claire wants you to go study with her over her house later. Please go. You need to socialize." She said with her puckered lips before she turned around and walked off.
Standing there in silence, my heart told me to beg her to stop them, but my feet kept me in place.
Edward was still up there. I knew it.

Watching my parents drive away, anticipation boiled in my blood.
I have to go up there.
Grabbing my jacket I ran down the hallway and  grabbed my keys.
Running to my car I violently pressed the unlock button before stepping in.
My hands were shaking and I worked up a sweat tying to get the keys in.
Luckily, my car engine started up.
Backing out of my driveway, I made a U-turn and drove straight toward the castle on the hill.

It was getting dark out, but that couldn't stop me.
I had to get Edward. What would happen if they went to take it down and they saw him?
Would they kill him?
Or arrest him?
Whatever they would do would be bad. Edward was already family. I had to rescue him.

Edward Scissorhands (A story from Kim's Granddaughter)Where stories live. Discover now