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I remember the story my Grandmother told me.
The story of the gentle man who lived up in the castle.
The man who had scissors for hands.
Every time it snows, I would stare out my window and look upon the castle.
Was he really up there?
I would often have dreams of him. I never even saw him in real life, but by the way Grandmother described him I'm sure it wouldn't be any different.
One night, when it was snowing, I went out and danced in it. Just like my Grandmother did.
I truly felt the magic that she felt.
But there was only one thing I was missing, and that was Edward.
How would he feel if he knew she passed away?
Is he even still alive?
It's 8 years later, and I still can't get him off my mind.
When my Grandmother was lying in her deathbed she held onto my hands, and told me to show him what love feels like again.
I didn't know who "he" was, or what she meant. But it was simply too late. She had already passed away.
I later figured she meant Edward.
I would ask my mother about him, but she told me to stop making things up. That the house was empty and old.
She even told me that our community was planning on taking away the castle and replacing it with a small mall, considering the owner died and it took up a lot of land.

I would protest against it, telling everyone that Edward lives there. But everybody stared at me like I was crazy, and laughed at me.
"He died 80 years ago." They would say.
Everyone in my school would refer to him as the "Freak", and claimed the castle was haunted.
They even made up scary stories of how he cut people to pieces and would terrorize the town.
I didn't believe in any of those rumors.
My Grandmother knew who he really was, and therefore so did I.
I was the only one who wasn't afraid of him.
And of course, the only one who knew he was still alive.
How else would people explain why it was snowing in Florida?
"Global warming," "Oh it's just a phase," "It's probably a manufacturing error."
Lies upon lies, I tell you.
But I knew the truth.

Edward Scissorhands (A story from Kim's Granddaughter)Where stories live. Discover now