Kim's Brother

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Today was cloudy, and foggy.
The ground had a thick, ghostly fog that not even a flashlight could shine through.
My parents went out to the town meeting, probably discussing about putting up the mall.
I once again begged them not to.
But they pushed me off, telling me to snap out of it.
I knew he we still alive... And I was going to prove it.
But my Grandmother told me about the horrid night in which everyone turned against him... That he was safer up in the mansion.
But, maybe... Perhaps... People are different now. I could take him out of this town and use my college money to get him the most advanced hands.
If he wanted them, of course.
But would I even be ready to face him?
Gah, my head is a mess.
Pulling myself out of bed, I slowly moved over to my closet, pulling out an outfit.
I had plans for today.
I was going to my great Uncles house, Kevin, to look through my Grandmothers stuff and see if I can learn more about Edward.
My mother didn't want to keep my Grandmothers stuff here with us. I wasn't sure why... However I figured she just couldn't bare to have a memory of someone she lost.

After I got changed, I ran to the bathroom and continued getting ready.
Running out into the hallway, I grabbed my keys on the table beside the door, and set out to  my car.
But, upon stepping outside, a thin layer of snow glazed the ground and buildings.
Jogging out of my house I looked up to the dark mansion.
I don't know what I was waiting for, but I noticed the snow got progressively heavier as it went up to the mansion.
Why else would it be heavier near a spot?
Because Edward made it.
Running into my car, I cleared the snow of my windshield before setting out to visit my Great Uncle.

Pulling up on his baby blue house, I saw his old, wrinkly frame sitting on the couch through the window.
"Uncle Kevin!" I cheered as I set foot into his living room.
He looked up slowly, a slow grin settling on his withered face.
"Rose!" He exclaimed as he gripped onto his walking stick, and lifted himself of the couch.
As we made our way to each other, I hugged his  slender frame as he hugged me back.
"I haven't seen you for years." He told me sadly.
"I know, I'm sorry. I missed you."
"I missed you too. Why stop by now?" He asked.
"Well, besides wanting to see you, I was wondering if I can see some of Kim's stuff?"
"Of course, it's in the attic. It's the only thing  in there."
With another smile, I made my way down the narrow hallway.
Pulling down the latchet on the ceiling, a set of stairs slowly descended down.

Stepping up them, a dusty, and dark room came into view.

In the middle of the room sat 1 big box, with Kim labeled onto it.
Running up to it I opened the flaps.
Inside was a photo album, diary, and a long object that was enclosed in a white cloth.
As I grabbed the album and diary, I went after the mysterious object.
It was indeed very heavy, and pointy.
Settling it on the ground it made a loud clank.

Opening up the wilted cloth, I gasped in shock.

Edward Scissorhands (A story from Kim's Granddaughter)Where stories live. Discover now