With one click my life totally changed - 5 (SPY school + 3 future agents that love me = HELP!!)

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Chapter 5

...and it was not what I expected it to be. The classroom was not full of desks or chairs or even with a chalkboard like the last one; actually it was the total opposite. It was a huge space but with large blue mattresses on the floor.

One end of the room was all made of glass, and through it you could see a huge garden. The garden was huge; from where I was standing I couldn't even see where it ended, but I could still see some target circles standing far away from us.

At the other end where two doors, which I guess were the changing rooms.

I began to think that I was inside the wrong room... when a huge bald man in his middle thirties approached to me. He was wearing a white cotton t-shirt, and a pair of pants.

"Are you Jade Stevens?"

"Yes Sir"

"You are late. Hurry up and go to the lockers to get your stuff"

"I'm sorry but I think that this isn't my class. I was looking for my W&DS class; do you know where I can find it?"

"You are in the W&DS class; Weapons and Defensive Skills, and I'm your teacher Mr. Wilson, so if you wish to join our class I will suggest you to go and get changed, and get in here in less than 2 minutes"

I heard someone snickering. I turned to see that the whole class was standing next to a wall of the room looking at me. Of course my sweet and dear Alexander (sarcasm) had a huge smile on his face.

I walked to the door with the ladies plaque in it. I opened it and inside I found a huge hall with many lockers, and there it was mine with the number 36 on it.

Inside my locker were a pair of white sneakers, 5 small white tank tops, 5 black mini-shorts, several pairs of white socks, and of course things that I could use when the class was over.

I put the clothes on, took off my huge glasses, and put my hair in a tight pony tail. I went out, and everybody went silent; they were all staring at me with their mouths hanging open (Ugh... I hated so much when people looked at me like that. Men were staring at me like if I was some kind of piece of meat and women like if they were killing me with their eyes), but I have to admit that I loved that Alexander and William have the same expression like the rest of the men.

Mr. Wilson called the attention of the class. When all of them turned around I was capable of breathing again. I walked to where all the other students were, and I noticed that they were the same ones from the last period. We were only 15 students (this must be a really exclusive school, I wonder what my dad did to get me in here?).

After that scene, I had totally forgotten of the fact that I was going to learn how to use weapons. Were they crazy or something? (Jade, I thought we had this subject already clear. They aren't crazy; they are trained special agents, and this could be a great opportunity for you. I can start working sooner and say goodbye to my possible drug dealer/father).

Mr. Wilson started giving everybody an arch with a bucket of arrows.

"Class, today we are going to practice how to shoot a target with an arch and arrows, so grab your stuff and go outside"

I was the last one at the line, so when everybody was out Mr. Wilson turned to me and said "Jade, you should practice more than everybody else because you are behind them. First I'm going to put you a target in half the distance than the rest of your classmates".

"Oh! It's okay Mr. Wilson I think I can handle it"

"Are you sure? ...because nobody will laugh at you. (YEAH! RIGHT) Nobody was good at this when we started last year, so don't be embarrassed"

with one click my life totally changed - (SPY school + 3 future agents that love me = HELP!!)Where stories live. Discover now