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Ok so this story is extremely messed up and i'm very concerned about my past self. to state the obvious i'm not going to continue writing this story. however, i have a chapter in draft and i can publish it if you want. i just read this story and its so retarded and i'm so sorry i poisoned your brains with this story. this didn't really have a plot or a story line or any character development or anything at all for that matter. anyway... i made this to tell anyone that's interested what lucys plan actually was





to kill Shirin and Emily. that's it. she wanted to get them back for eating her cookies. she didn't want to kill Alex or Stephanie or the whole 'popular squad' or Breanna or Sarah or poppy OK 

that kinda happened by accident so yea

the thing she got from the market was puffer fish poison (inspired by an episode of death in paradise) and she put the poison into cookies and was gonna give them to Shirin and Emily. basically her plan was revenge. k

also want to say that this story is so badly written and so short and when i was writing it i thought it was so long and soo good. so its safe to say that past me was retarded. and i laughed hysterically when i read this story just now. its so embarrassing. anywho.... bye

Lucy's planWhere stories live. Discover now