15: Epilogue: The Wedding

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James was in front of the altar, fidgeting in his suit. He pulled on his collar, he was so damn nervous. And it wasn't even a real wedding!

He smiled politely at everyone who approached the altar, from the principal sponsors to the maid of honor. He smiled at Nanang Rona and Tatang Sol, who walked and stopped in the middle of the aisle.

Then the music changed.

He thought he must be imagining things, because he could swear this was a classical version of Always by Panama. It was their song. Not Clark and Leah's. James and Nadine's. He grinned to himself. Direk talaga, he thought.

Nadine stood behind the closed church doors, her heart thumping wildly against her chest. She heard the first chords of Always and she laughed to herself underneath her veil. Direk talaga.

The doors opened and Nadine looked up, her eyes searching for James. Her James.

And there he was, looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

And there she was, looking at him like he was the only man for her.

She was gorgeous, but more than that she was strong and gentle and kind. And she knew him better than anyone else, has been beside him through their whole journey. He couldn't imagine his life without her.

Nadine started walking towards James, each step she took filled with purpose, because she knew it will lead her to her destiny. The man who loved her, who was willing to change for her, to give up so much for her, even his career, just so she could find herself. Which she did, and she ended up finding herself in his arms in the process.

She kissed her OTWOL parents on the cheek as they met in the middle, then they led her to her loveteam, her onscreen partner, her partner in crime, her best friend and her one true love.

And as they reached the altar, she wasn't Leah anymore, she was Nadine. And he wasn't Clark anymore, he was James.

They didn't know what lay ahead for them both. For Jadine. If management will push through with ending the team up or not, they had no idea. If fans will stay loyal to them or not, they don't know. Bashers will always be there. Negativity will hound them every step of the way.

That's just how it is in showbiz.

But as long as they were together, they knew everything will be okay.

Because she loved him. And he loved her. And that's all that really mattered.

They smiled at each other as James took her right hand and put it on the crook of his left arm, covering her hand with his. Together they approached the priest.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of this lovely couple..."


A/N: Went to a wedding today which served as the inspiration to finally make this ending happen. It's been stuck on my mind with a bad case of writer's block. I'm actually still here at the reception while I'm writing this haha.

Well, I guess that's it. My first official multi chapter fic, that I started without a real plot in mind. I hope you liked it. Because I definitely enjoyed writing it for you.

Just for the record, I still believe Clark and Leah's wedding will push through, but it will be after they get back together. OFWs go home just to get married all the time after all.

I dedicate this fic to all Jadine fans out there, but special mention goes to my dear OJDWritersBlock. You know who you are! Viber viber nalang!

Love you!
/noisy norsy

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