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Thank you to anyone who reads this, and thank you to anyone who votes and/or comments. I appreciate everyone of you. :)

    "Oh my gosh! Leigh! Are you alright?" I gasped.

    "Didn't you hear what I said? I'm fine, and I'll even come into work today if you want to prove it," Leigh said.

    "No, Leigh, no I insist you stay home. It's fine. I'll call one of the other employees in," I rambled. "I'll visit you after work, okay?"

    "Okay I'll see you then, Perrie," Leigh chuckled. She hung up the phone, and I sat on my bed taking a couple moments to process what she just told me. I could've lost my best friend last night, and I am incredibly thankful she is still breathing. When I walked out of the room, I heard commotion in the kitchen which frightened me at first before I remembered my guest.

    "Jade? Is that you?" I called before entering.

    "Yep, it's me," She said. I walked in the kitchen to see random kitchenware and food scattered across the kitchen.

    "I'm so sorry. I've never learned how to cook things. I thought I'd give it a try," she giggled, and I looked around with a puzzled look. The microwave went off, and I watched as she used tongs to take a piece of bread out of there before putting another one in for ten minutes. She took the toast and almost started to squirt ketchup on it.

    "Ketchup does not go on bread," I said as I took the ketchup out of her hand.

    "What does then?" she asked her eyebrows turned down into confusion.

    I opened the fridge, and grabbed the container of butter. "This does," I said handing her the container. I grabbed a butter knife and handed it to her, "and you spread it with this."

    Confusion washed over me as I looked at the girl in front of me. How could she be so clueless as to not even know that butter goes on toast, and why is she using the microwave to toast it? She didn't strike me as dumb before. I chuckled as I stopped the microwave and put the piece of toast in the toaster.

After we ate our toast, I made myself some coffee as Jade went to change back into her white dress she showed up in. "Here's your clothes," she said and sat down on the kitchen table. I nodded at her as I sipped my coffee. "So what do you have planned for today?" she asked me.

    "I have to go to work, and then I'm going to go to my best friend's house," I said and walked into my room so I could change.

    "Oh, cool," she mumbled as I closed to door to change my clothes. When I reentered, she said, "C-can I come with? I have nowhere to go, and I could really use a friend," she said, nervously looking to the ground. I hesitated before nodding, and she smiled.

    "But do not get in my way at work," I sternly said and she nodded.

    "Where do you work?" she inquired.

    "I'm a photographer. I have my own studio," I proudly stated. We arrived at the studio, and I began setting up the photography gear as Jade sat in a chair to my right. She let out a loud sigh and I looked over at her. "Do you have a phone?" I asked her, and she shook her head. "Do you wanna play on mine?" she hesitated before nodding, and I pulled out my iPhone, and let her do whatever she wanted. "Just don't buy anything," I chuckled.

I took pictures of a family of five, a middle-aged couple, and a man with his dog before I sat beside Jade and took a break.

"Is photography hard?" Jade asked.

"To be honest, not really," I sighed.

"It looks hard on both sides," she giggled. "How can people sit that still?"

"Go stand up there, and try it out," I laughed. Jade hopped up in front of the camera and made a cute pose as she puffed out her cheeks and went cross-eyed. I snapped the picture while laughing. She continued to pose as I snapped more pictures. "Okay that's enough. This stuff costs me money."Jade and I laughed.

I closed up the studio as Jade and I were the only ones left inside. We started walking towards Leigh's house after leaving. Her house was a ten minute walk in the opposite direction of my house. Jade and I talked and laughed on our journey, and as I got to know her better, I had no reason but to trust her even if we've only known each other for a short period of time.

When we arrived at Leigh's house, I knocked on the door, and waited for her to answer. "This is my best friend, and her name is Leigh-Anne," I said, not long after Leigh opened the door. Leigh looked at me confused as she took in the stranger beside me.

When Jade saw Leigh-Anne, she let out a loud gasp as her face paled.

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