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"I'm Jesy," the girl smiled.

"Get out of my house, Jesy. I'll call the police," I threatened and picked up my phone.

"Perrie, will you just let me explain?" she asked. I took a moment to think about it. I trusted Jade when I knew nothing about her; of course, Jade asked to come in whereas Jesy broke into my house. She might give me the answers I've been wanting and it might not hurt to hear her out. I nodded, and she began talking.

"I'm an angel. I've been sent down from the heavens to warn you of something dangerous," she paused and I took that as my cue to say something.

"Prove to me that you're actually an angel." A few days ago, I could never imagine me saying those words, but here I am.

I gasped as bright white wings sprouted out from behind Jesy, and she blinked making her eyes turn blue.

"That's beautiful," I mumbled. She retracted her wings, and her eyes went back to her dark brown color. "So does that mean Jade is an angel too?"

"She's a different kind of angel. A fallen angel is what they call her. She's been kicked out of heaven for sinning," Jesy explained. That must be why Jade is afraid to tell me; she doesn't want me to judge her.

"What did she do?" I questioned.

"That's not my business to tell you. You'd have to ask her. My task today was to come down here and warn you. She was kicked out of heaven the night of the storm, and found refuge in your home. You have treated her with kindness, and she's been kind to you also, but that's only because her transformation as only begun. Her wings will start turning black and will soon cause her pain. When her wings have turned completely black, her eyes won't be blue anymore; they'll turn into an orangish color. As the transformation occurs, darkness will be spilling into her, and she can either choose to fight the darkness or succumb to it. Either way, you have to be careful. Who knows what she will be capable of?"

"If she tries to hurt me, will you or another angel protect me?" I asked worry evident in my tone.

She chuckled, "I can't promise you that. Everything that is born always faces death. Every living thing has a time and a place they're meant to die. The angels are not allowed to alter death's time or place; that would mean a one way ticket out of heaven."

"I thought angels were supposed to protect?" Confusion washed over me.

"Trust me, they protect, but they protect until it's the human's time of death," Jesy said, "This is probably the last you'll see of me because normally angels don't come down to earth unless they've been kicked out, but this was a special case. Be safe, Perrie," I watched as Jesy disappeared into thin air.

   I took a moment to let everything that just happened sink in. Do I still trust Jade? I'm not sure. Will I still let her stay here? Yes I will. I just can't imagine innocent little Jade lost on the streets. I stretched as I noticed how wide awake I was. There was no way I was going back to sleep.

I walked into the kitchen and began fixing eggs and toast for breakfast. Jade seemed to like the toast, and I might as well throw in some eggs. I sat the plates down on opposite sides of the tables, and then grabbed two glasses. I filled the glasses up with orange juice as I heard her door open.

She smiled when she walked in, and saw that food was ready. She let out a tired yawn, and I thought it was adorable.

"How did you sleep?" she asked me as she sat down and began eating.

"Alright, you?" I asked her.

"Like a baby. That mattress is so comfortable," she muttered. "Also this food is really good. I feel like royalty," she praised, and I blushed.

"It's not like you'd be able to cook it," I laughed and she laughed along before her face contorted to one of discomfort. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

She nodded, "I'm fine," She began rubbing her back where I assumed her wings would be located.

"So, Jade, I had a visitor this morning," I mumbled and she looked at me with a confused expression. I had seen this expression many times in the couple days I've known her.

"It's so early. How could you have already had a visitor?" She laughed.

"Her name was Jesy," At the mention of Jesy's name, Jade's face paled. "I finally got the answers I had been looking for."

"So I guess that means you're aware of what I am?" Jade questioned and I nodded. "Prove it."

"Jade, you have committed a sin. You have been kicked out of heaven and you now live on this wonderful planet called earth," I paused, "Jade you are a fallen angel."

Angelic // JerrieWhere stories live. Discover now