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You are distraught over a many of things. Don't let it eat your precious soul. Whatever you do, Kit, fight with love rather than hate. You will live and never die. Learn from Alsin and never leave his side.

Physter Allen Larius' rusty voice and words replayed in his head countless times. His eyes never stopped leaking and his heart never stopped burning even after they had buried him. They had stood around the pile of fresh dirt sitting within a bed of wildflowers beside a new graveyard adjoined to Haven. His tears were a mixture of sorrow, shock, and joy. He had lost his entire family and along the way had gained a new one.

He kept glancing at Sir Alsindad the rest of the evening. The knight looked very pale and his green eyes wandered almost too wild. He never spoken a word and continued to walk away into the woods alone. The mysterious gold-eyed woman too never said a word and kept her distance from everyone. Galiathan and Grutsha spoke amongst themselves and gave respect to the two who grieved.

Most of Grutsha's dinner was left untouched and the night brought in a nasty chill. Sleeping was impossible. His eyes would pop open and his heart would race thinking he had heard a raptor's screech or a Frostbiter's croak or the flapping wings of a craver. He entered the kitchen once to find Sir Alsindad gone again and Grutsha staring at him from a window. Exchanging a few words, Kit was given a hot cup of green tea and returned to his sleeping area.

The next morning brought in a dull drunken sun and bluish white clouds. Rain was soon to come. He splashed cold water on his puffed red eyes and exited into the main part of the cabin. He stared at the bronzite woman for the first time and took notice of faint lines of black veins along her neck. She was very pretty and her gold eyes were daunting. Nevertheless, who was she and why was she with Alsin? They caught eyes and Kit immediately sensed an evil aura about her that made his skin crawl. Those gold eyes looked down at his wooden arm and narrowed in suspicion.

The front door burst open and Galiathan entered with the knight on his heels. Arrows hung on their backs and crossbows sat on their shoulders. They had gone for a hunt and looked to have been successful. Galiathan handed over a full sack to Grutsha and they unarmed in silence. Kit walked to the seat across from the gold-eyed woman and sat down.

Alsindad came and plopped into the chair at the end. He gave a long sigh, combed a hand through his dark yellow hair, and smiled. "How are you two doing this morning?"

"Okay," he said, but the woman just looked away annoyed. "How about yourself?"

He nodded and flexed his jaw, "Surviving..."

Galiathan sat down and Grutsha came with bowls of porridge and a basket of buttered biscuits. "It's time to eat," she said. "You all need to regain your strengths."

"Thank you Grutsha," Galiathan grumbled.

Kit narrowed his eyes and looked from the giant to the shy middle-aged woman. They weren't lovers he knew because they slept a part. Maybe very good friends or distant relatives, he assumed. He picked up his spoon and everyone did the same and began to eat.

"Next time I want to go on a hunt," Kit said after a few mouthfuls.

Alsin gave a laugh that sounded awfully like his father's. His throat stung from a wanted cry, but he swallowed it down with a cool cup of water.

"Sure, little cousin," the knight nodded proudly.

"Family," Galiathan said with a smirk. "I could sense before his relations."

"Yeah right, Galiathan," Alsin laughed pointing his spoon at the man.

"It's true. You both talk a lot and are very questionable."

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