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The inner courtyard cleared out as people went to find cover. Alsin and Demetri met up with Sir Nileon and the trio followed the carriage into the inner gates to the palace itself.

Alsin's body shivered out of his control from the constant pour of water. Every puddle he came by, he found himself scurrying to avoid it. Just the idea of stepping in it and messing up his boots irked him.

Once within the warm comfort of the eastern foyer, the king and his daughter stopped them.

Alsin tripped over his boots from the room spinning. He caught himself and stood puzzled for a slight second. Where am I? The smooth ivory walls around him crumbled and cracked away, spreading in every direction until a point stopped at his foot. He jumped back.

"Sir Alsindad," Edrich's voice ranged.

Shrills of ice slithered through his body and the destruction he saw blinked away. He glanced from his king to the knights then to the beautiful princess. They all stared at him, confused, but Edrich's face turned from cold to welcoming.

"Ah," he said reclaiming everyone's attention. "The day is dreary yet. Our poor Alsin has lost his wits."

Uncertain chuckles followed. Alsin narrowed his eyes feeling heat rising to his temples. Edrich shuffled towards him and clasped him close. His syrupy smell curved Alsin's lips upward.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." He said, his average toned voice squeaking high a notch, "I've just been feeling ill lately."

"I see," he grinned, peering ever so close into his face. So close Alsin couldn't help but notice a white ring circling the irises in his black pupils.

Alsin still didn't pull away but took the pleasure of how fair and unwrinkled was Edrich's skin. The man had to have been in his fifties... or was it thirties? He couldn't remember and easily shook the thought away.

"Would you like some scorching water to soothe your stomach, my fellow knight?"

"How about warm milk instead," Alsin teased.

The joy in the king's eyes faltered to a scold. Alsin held his breath. He was given another pat on the back and a silent laugh fainted in his ear. "That's what I said."

Before he could correct him otherwise, Edrich swooshed away, his boots drumming powerful on the marble floor. "My most honored Triad Knights. Please make sure you sign up your bands for my quest. My years of grief has risen my anger to wrath! That witch has lived long enough. She shall face the hell whence she came."

"Sir, we will not let you suffer any longer or our people by this devil," Sir Demetri Mautte issued. He took a step forward and gave a waist bow. "Let my sword filled with your vengeance and my heart filled with your daughter's love take me as far as I must go into the dark mountains and kill this devil and free us all from this curse."

That was a mouthful, Alsin solely realized. He took a long inhale only for it to whip up some of Edrich's scent. His head pounded and he shifted feet.

Ugh, why does that always happen? He inwardly scorned.

Edrich grinned... that mysteriously wavering grin and nodded to his first knight. "Thank you, Sir Demetri."

"And I too, Your Highness, will go on this quest and face the witch's terror and prayfully succeed," Sir Nileon Gibbs' chocolate face broke free a mouthful of white teeth.

Princess Javana slowly approached Alsin and the voices around him ceased waiting to hear hers. She smiled and placed a delicate hand on his cheek. The entire left side of his face rejoiced and his eyes glued to her heart-shaped lips.

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