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Summer Terror was a week away and already half of the kingdom felt deserted. Alsin wouldn't be surprised if the people who migrated to Greenshine beyond the wall decides to never return. If only he and Walta could have that decision right now.

He took in a long drag of air to calm his rattling nerves. He stared into the dark forest a few feet away. Memories of boyhood popped into his muffled thoughts being dared to touch a tree or take as many steps within before his guts melted at his feet. He shivered.

Walta tugged her cloak closer around her neck and sniffled, "Alsindad."

She didn't have anything else to say. His old guardian trembled, eyes glued on the gloomy forest. Alsin straightened his shoulders and stepped in her view. "Walta, you didn't have to come, you know."

Her head shook making strands of hair escape her bun. "No. No. I promised your mother and your father I'd take care of you. And if this is how your life will end, it's my duty to be here and see you off."

"Oh, Walta, I might actually make it out alive." He jested trying to ignore his trembling jaw.

The woman didn't look a bit convinced. The clickety sound of horseshoes and carriage wheels exited a nearby street. The men who wasn't able to pay bail looked up the dirt path and fell silent. Their families choked on sobs or wailed for mercy from the gods. The royal litter crossed the patch of grass and entered the departure space where the designated entrance into the forest sat patiently waiting like Khaal to transport you to the afterlife. They parked to the side and the following attendees opened the doors.

King Edrich Von and Princess Javana stepped out.

Walta cursed under her breath and tightened her grip on her cloak collar. Alsin's breathing fell faint as the majestic king approached wearing a sweet smile. His unusual sugary smell penetrated the heat and a couple people shuddered.

"Good thing we drunk that tea."

Alsin gathered his eyebrows and glanced down at the old woman wondering what she meant by that. Before leaving they did drink their last cup of hot green tea together, but never did he ask the reason for doing it. He assumed it was Walta's way of savoring her last moment with him.

King Edrich and his band of guards gazed at the large group. "Good morning!"

The people gave a low response, which didn't bother the king. "Do not feel at ill. What you're doing now is brave and honorable and will be written in the Book of the Unforgotten. You men are loyal citizens of Terra and of the crown. We, including my late wife, appreciate your decision and sacrifice."

A woman nearby broke into loud sobs. Her husband who was armored and packed up for his one-way journey wrapped an arm around her and whispered something in her ear. Alsin thought of his father and replayed their reunion two days ago. He wished he could've stayed longer.

"Remember your mission at hand. Bring me back the witch's head and you will be given rewards beyond your imagination." Edrich said letting his smile demise a bit. "My Triad Knights have prepared you well for this journey. Please, do not fail me or your kingdom."

The king walked away to greet Demetri and Nileon and their families.

"I guess you should go over there," Walta said, her voice was distant.

Alsin's mouth dried and his eyes widened as the princess approached him. Two new knights of her protection followed in her steps. They both exchanged expressions of dislike, which Alsin wished Javana had seen.

"Sir Alsindad," she said. His heart skipped and his loins burned.


She gazed up at him, flashing her long eyelashes. A finger twirled the end of a curl. His eyes fought to stay leveled at her face rather than her busting bodice.

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